This afternoon I'm donating platelets again, for the first time in over 5 years. It feels good to be able to do this again. I csn't donate as much money to good causes as I would like to, but I can do this.
It's a slightly odd experience having your blood removed and then pumped back in. Especially as the blood is slightly cool when it comes back.
#BloodDonation #Platelets #PlateletDonation #plateletdonationNHS #BloodDonor
#blooddonation #platelets #plateletdonation #plateletdonationnhs #blooddonor
Blood donor appeal
#nhs #giveblood #blooddonation #plateletdonation
Good to be back again donating plasma and platelets. Had to take a break for a few months due to travel. #PlateletDonation #PlasmaDonationn #Plasma #Platelets #BloodDonor
#plateletdonation #PlasmaDonationn #plasma #platelets #blooddonor
Disappointingly my #PlateletDonation days have come to an end. I have been telephoned by #NHSBloodAndTransplant to tell me that my #platelet count is too low. My count normally averages 4.8, but the donation on Thursday was only 2.0, the third in a row of counts, so that is it. I will still be able to give whole blood, and my A Rh- is usually in demand, so that's something.
#Giveblood #platelet #nhsbloodandtransplant #plateletdonation