G.Love · @g_love
106 followers · 147 posts · Server thrashzone.org

Mastodon/The Fediverse unlike fakebook and twatter is like an exercise in self reflection. Social media can be used to make you better.

#pma #platinumrule #community #wegotthis

Last updated 2 years ago

hansamann · @hansamann
156 followers · 375 posts · Server mastodon.social

Heard of the ? Well, here comes :-) Let's takek this an important step further:

The Golden Rule says to treat people as you want to be treated.

Take that one step further, for maximum positive impact and find ways to apply The Platinum Rule: Treat others as they want to be treated.

Taken from same article as in toot before - great reading: blog.blueoceanbrain.com/blog/c

#goldenrule #platinum #inclusivity #inclusion #respect #platinumrule #diversity

Last updated 2 years ago

That's called Special Pleading. How do you know God can't be defined or detected? And if it can't, how do you know what you experienced is real?

Also, the good you described isn't exclusive to religion. , for example, is a philosophy that holds to the idea of doing good for the sake of good (see the ). No god or religion required.

Plenty of suffering has been/is being caused in the name of religion, so it's far from a stellar example of a source of good.

#humanism #platinumrule

Last updated 2 years ago

@SrRochardBunson Nice poem. Everything here, except the mention of holiness and temples, is stuff found in . "Treat others as they want to be treated."

Why look for those "temples," when you have the power to simply create your own?

#humanism #secularhumanism #kindness #platinumrule

Last updated 2 years ago

Telorand :verified: · @telorand
224 followers · 204 posts · Server universeodon.com

I've been here for a few weeks, and I now feel ready to do an .

I'm Telorand.
I'm an .
I'm an .
I'm a .
I'm a .
I'm 🏳️‍🌈.
I'm a .
I'm still working through my .

I will promote the ,
The ,
The ,
The ,
The ,
The .

"Treat others as they would want to be treated." – of

#introduction #exchristian #atheist #secularhumanist #skeptic #queer #musician #religoustrauma #creative #lovely #encouraging #thoughtful #Kind #helpful #platinumrule #humanism

Last updated 2 years ago

Meow :verified: · @ablackcatstail
166 followers · 436 posts · Server mastodon.goblackcat.com

I am a huge proponent of the . What is that you ask? To ask how another person would like to be treated and then to treat them that way accordingly.


Last updated 2 years ago