Here's the answer to the previous "Name that Tune"...
#guitar #playAlong #pinkfloyd #time #darksideofthemoon
The above cartoon really does say almost everything that needs to be said about the #identityLeft.
In our experience, small 'L' #liberals care more about #identity than the viability of life on this planet. Its a real shame.
In so doing, this small 'L' liberals are easily coopted by the #enterStageLeft, corporate giants, who can paint lipstick on a pig if you give them a chance.
#lipstickOnAPig #optics #usefulIdiots #ignoranceIsBliss #playAlong
#identityLeft #liberals #identity #enterStageLeft #lipstickOnAPig #optics #UsefulIdiots #ignoranceisbliss #playAlong