As intensely _not_ calm as today has been, I cannot help but laugh uncontrollably that my #Duskborn just rolled Intense Phlegmatic on his resonance roll. Now I need to get into that intensely calm mindset to write this next scene.
#VampireTheMasquerade #VTM #V5 #TTRPG #SeattleByNight #PlayByPost
#duskborn #VampireTheMasquerade #vtm #V5 #ttrpg #seattlebynight #playbypost
I've started DMing a #playbypost campaign 3 months ago and, truth be told I wouldn't want to go back to regular sessions anytime soon.
The reason I decided to go with #pbp in the first place is that my schedule doesn't allow regular planning. My work is very inconsistent and I often find myself in meetings on the evenings and events some weekends. And playing once every couple months is a bit underwhelming to me.
Hi! I'm Mewyn. Currently building a world for my players to explore in a pbp campaign and trying to branch it out into various other forms (one-page RPGs, journaling games, board games, you name it!).
#ttrpg #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #pbp #PlaybyPost #worldbuilding #boardgames
#introduction #ttrpg #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #pbp #playbypost #worldbuilding #boardgames
Episode 53 - How I manage time/space/calendars across multiple groups in the same world
#ttrpg #dnd #adnd #dmtip #Podcast #DungeonMastersHandbook #PlayByPost
#ttrpg #DnD #adnd #DMtip #podcast #dungeonmastershandbook #playbypost
If you'd rather listen to podcasts on YouTube, I'm there as well!
My latest episode - #52: An eight year play-by-post game reaches an arc climax. Do we end or continue on?
Also, an update on how Dungeon23 is going for me.
#ttrpg #dnd #adnd #odnd #Dungeon23 #Podcast #DungeonMastersHandbook #PlayByPost
#ttrpg #DnD #adnd #odnd #dungeon23 #podcast #dungeonmastershandbook #playbypost
Podcast episode 52: An eight year play-by-post game reaches an arc climax. Do we end or continue on? Also, an update on how Dungeon23 is going for me.
#ttrpg #dnd #adnd #odnd #Dungeon23 #Podcast #DungeonMastersHandbook #PlayByPost
#ttrpg #DnD #adnd #odnd #dungeon23 #podcast #dungeonmastershandbook #playbypost
I've been running an AD&D play-by-post game for fourteen years. First on Google Wave, then Rizzoma (an RU Google Wave fork), now on Discord.
I've seen players families form, kids grow up, players' careers advance and change.
Today was a hard day, as I had to ask an obvious question after the game hit a climax of a many year arc - do you want to continue?
I'm honestly nervous/anxious of either answer.
#ttrpg #pbp #PlayByPost #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #ADnD #AdvancedDungeonsAndDragons
#ttrpg #pbp #playbypost #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #adnd #advanceddungeonsanddragons
#Arcanist enters the #EmojiDungeon. Armed with staff. Arbitrary magic system.
#arcanist #emojidungeon #playbypost #pollplayinggames
The weird thing about this game is every time I boost to a different audience it is like telling the previous players to roll again. This is my weird little play by post idea. Thanks for playing if you’re playing. #SugarCubeCastleOfDeath #EmojiDungeons #PlayByPost #PollPlayingGames
#sugarcubecastleofdeath #emojidungeons #playbypost #pollplayinggames
Want to see six years of a play-by-post AD&D game summarized?
I just updated the campaign wiki for my Southern Seas campaign. It's crazy that for six years, folks have played in this game, but here we are!
I'm so grateful for my wonderful players.
#ttrpg #DnD #adnd #osr #playbypost #pbp
I'm going to be running a play-by-post Adventures in Middle-Earth 5e campaign over on StartPlaying.Games. You can find my link below.
#lordoftherings #adventuresinmiddleearth #ttrpg #textbasedrpg #playbypost #gamemaster #dungeonmaster
#lordoftherings #AdventuresInMiddleEarth #ttrpg #textbasedrpg #playbypost #gamemaster #dungeonmaster
It's a new year and if you haven't been by #Storium lately, we have some new #games looking for players:
And if you happen to be new to @storium (or need a refresher), check out these beginner games led by a mentor who will show you the ropes:
#playbypost #rpg #pbp #roleplaying #creativewriting #writer #games #Storium
Something I am thinking I'm interested in doing is playing in a #PbP #playbypost #ttrpg. I played only two very short rounds of #dnd with my girlfriend in the past. Being on voice and in person never works out for me though. She's hardcore into it but I think we have differences in our preferences. I think pbp would work for me, especially over on discord.
I'm personally interested in #Numenera , #cyphersystem , #cyberpunk , and #shadowrun. I suppose anyone can hit me up here to talk about it.
#pbp #playbypost #ttrpg #DnD #numenera #cyphersystem #cyberpunk #shadowrun
J'ai très fort envie de faire une campagne de #Jdr un peu style #WestMarch dans un univers de super-héros. Je crois que ca va être un de mes objectifs de la nouvelle année. J'aimerais aussi bien essayé de la faire en #PlayByPost mais je suis pas encore calé sur cette idée.
Si vous avez des témoignages / des conseils je suis preneur-euse.
En terme de jeux, pour le moment j'ai très envie de faire ça avec *Molotov College* de W.H Arthur, mais je suis pas encore sûr de si c'est le plus adapté.
Hi :blobcatbreadpeek: Spaniard expat (try saying that fast) in Denmark. My multilingualism confuses everyone, even myself. Used to play #ESO until the guild collapsed. Now I mostly game solo on story mode because anxiety and struggle cause me pain flare-ups✨ Love being creative and linen clothes. Hope to find cool, likeminded people 🌱 #intro #animism #gaming #asatro #vegan #midjourney #art #ace #dk #tech #offgrid #environment #curlyhair #herbalism #dnd5 #playbypost #ceramics #sewing #witchcraft
#eso #intro #animism #gaming #asatro #vegan #midjourney #art #ace #dk #tech #offgrid #environment #curlyhair #herbalism #playbypost #ceramics #sewing #witchcraft
Currently running a game of Mörk Börg for my old gaming friends.
The party has gone through Rot Black Sludge and so far suffered only a casualty and lost a Scroll.
We are playing by posts via Discord, and I have to say asynchronous play is great.
I vastly prefer it to videocall gaming, so far.
First of all, it allows for different schedules, and second, the relaxed pace is great for the GM.
#rpg #MorkBorg #playbypost #playreport #idlegmthoughts
Playing in Seneschal Facilitated by Brad Murray: Building up a Game's Ruleset One Turn at a Time
#playbypost #poetry #ScaffoldSystem #Seneschal #vsca