Playdate Developers: You have ~8 days left to submit your teasers / trailers / featurettes for the Playdate Community Direct that goes live on October 5th! Let's celebrate these games, apps, and more! All info on submissions here:
#panicplaydate #playdate
#Playdate は毎週ふたつずつゲームが届く。触り始めて2か月と少し経つけど、 #PickPackPup が頭ひとつ抜けていた印象。英語苦手でも良いというのも大きいけど。
(well ok, it landed at my mom's house last month, but I didn't have time to pick it up until today.)
it's friend shaped and yellow and has the cutest intro/tutorial and I am excited to play with it and start Making Stuff :)
found an old Gun Trails prototype (from first few days of dev)
funny how far games get in the first few weeks (what was I doing for the latter 6 months 🤪)
#indiedev #indiegames #playdate
Updated animations to have idle and now carrying states.
Si vous êtes passionné·s des musiques d'ascenseurs et que vous avez la nostalgie de votre Wii, cet article est sans doute fait pour vous.
Little bit of the pickup mechanics in action. Looks like he's carrying his pet Crank! 😁
today I implemented also #neverseen fog into the tiny map at the pause screen #ausbruch #playdate - it helps a lot for orientation 😅
#neverseen #ausbruch #playdate
I don't want to flame out with early enthusiasm, but for #Playdate #gamedesign with its beensy form factor I think that sound design and music have outsized utility. I never had a gameboy, but if I did I suspect I'd know if this hunch was right.
Either way, we're excited if only to noodle with a gadget that is interesting to both of us.
Working on little side effect animations like leaves that fall out of the tree when Henry clothes-lines himself on a tree branch. Also note the new scenery like lamp posts and picket fences.
Anyone else feeling the urge to dual wield #playdate s while also playing Starfield lately?
No? Just me? Okay
The gangster bride is really tough! #lovetrain #ausbruch #playdate
#LoveTrain #ausbruch #playdate