Rajhesh Vaidhya shredding on the Veena
#chunderroad #playingforchange #Music
#robbie_robertson #playingforchange
sehr schönes tribute mmn
#robbie_robertson #playingforchange
ich muss wieder mal musik reinhaun
viel zu ruhig hier
laut aufdrehen - ganz laut
viel spass
@openculture @openculture That’s a #PlayingForChange production. I adore all their work and this one was extra. Rest in Power Robbie Robertson.
Playing for Change connects musicians around the world to take on classic songs and inspire unity and promote arts education. This "Songs Around the World" colllab centered #RobbieRobertson and "The Weight" with help from fellow legend #RingoStarr and gifted artists across five continents. The result: magic. Learn more:
#PlayingForChange #activism #MusicOfMastodon #music #rip #riprobbierobertson #GratefulDreadSets
#robbierobertson #ringostarr #playingforchange #activism #musicofmastodon #music #rip #riprobbierobertson #gratefuldreadsets
A truly #Funkatastic version of her dads masterpiece:
You can never go wrong when you listen to or support #PlayingForChange (#PFC)!
I've seen them live in one amazing setting, and they are always outstanding and entertaining on top of excellent performers.
#funkatastic #playingforchange #pfc
#NowPlaying #ProtestSongs #MarvinGaye #PlayingForChange #music
Playing For Change rarely fails to nail it... Sara Bareilles records in Central Park with backup from over a good chunk of the world... "What's Going On" indeed.
#nowplaying #protestsongs #marvingaye #playingforchange #music
En ces temps troubler il est urgent de chanter et de jouer pour changer la marche du monde et prôner la paix entre les humains mais également avec toutes les formes de vie actives et non actives qui permettent notre vie sur cette planète.
#playingforchange #peace #climatechange #biodiversity
Hoy en el dia de la Memoria va mi amor a todos aquellos que aún están buscando a los que aman. Amo el proyecto #playingforchange y este tema es hermoso. #NuncaMás #desaparecidos #argentina
#playingforchange #nuncamas #desaparecidos #argentina
Dear Listeners,
Let's end this dive into Playing for Change with an old Grateful Dead track –
Bill Kreutzmann and many more, "Ripple" (Playing for Change, 2015)
#music #billkreutzmann #gratefuldead #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
It's in the key of F Demented –
Ringo Starr, Robbie Robertson, "The Weight" (Playing for Change, 2019)
#music #ringostarr #robbierobertson #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
My cup runneth over. I'm just going to sit here, watching the tide roll away …
Jack Johnson, Otis Redding III, "Dock of the Bay" (Playing for Change, 2018)
#music #otisredding #jackjohnson #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
Maybe you know this from Creedence Clearwater Revival, but it's an old Leadbelly tune –
Jeron "Blind Boy" Paxton, "Cotton Fields" (Playing for Change, 2015)
#music #leadbelly #jeronblindboypaxton #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party, but Taj Mahal is playing with Toots Hibbert (Toots and the Maytals) –
"Reggae Got Soul", Toots Hibbert (Playing for Change, 2014)
#music #tootshibbert #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
Another surprising mash-up: Stephen Perkins (Jane's Addiction, Porno for Pyros) and John Paul Jones (no intro necessary) –
Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" (Playing for Change, 2022)
#music #johnpauljones #playingforchange #ledzeppelin
Dear Listeners,
I took the hookah from the caterpillar …
Toumani Diabate joins in on –
Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground" (Playing for Change, 2011)
#music #steviewonder #playingforchange #toumanidiabate
Dear Listeners,
Mind, ka-boom! Ears, too.
Don Johnston (The Doobie Brothers) and many more, "Listen to the Music" (2018)
#music #thedoobiebrothers #donjohnston #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
I have tried, but I've never become a fan of the Rolling Stones (except for "Sympathy for the Devil", because it is an amazing track), but this, this –
Playing for Change Band, "Gimme Shelter" (2022)
#music #rollingstonescover #playingforchange
Dear Listeners,
I am going down that "Playing For Change" rabbit hole for a bit. I'll let you know what I discover!
Right now –
Andrew Tosh (Peter Tosh's son), "Mama Africa" (2020)
#music #petertosh #andrewtosh #playingforchange
Dear music-listening fans, I am simply blown away.
Tom Morello (RATM) and Buddy Guy on the same track?!! Oh, Waddy Wachtel, too.
Skin Deep featuring Buddy Guy | Playing For Change | Song Across the USA, "Skin Deep" (2018)
#music #BuddyGuy #tommoreno #playingforchange