Last weekend, Transition IG3 and residents of Talbot Road in east London organised a ‘Play Street’.

Children with scooters, bikes, bubbles and chalk took over the street as the road was closed to cars for the day, and residents of all ages shared food and chat, pedal powered music and made a mural of what their street could be like in 2030.

One of the organisers, Rakesh, said: “was great to see so many kids enjoying playing on the road, and neighbours talking to each other.”

Ever wanted to try a in your neighbourhood? Get more inspiration from Sustainable St Albans, a Transition group helping communities throughout their district organise Play Streets, and from get support and advice from national organisation Playing Out.

#playstreet #playingout #transitiontown #CommunityAction #ClimateAction #carfree #street #pedalpower #bike

Last updated 1 year ago

John@ActiveTowns · @activetowns
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