Da ich heute so an den violetten Krokusfeldern im Großen Garten vorbeiflanierte, dachte ich mir, dass ich doch mal ein Dramolett zu einer der drängendsten Fragen dieser Zeit schreiben sollte:
Was ist denn nun die korrekte Pluralform von Krokus?
#amwriting #playlet #croci #krokoi #krokanten
RT from Spontaneous Productions Theatre Company (@SponProdsTC)
The 6th #playlet in our #Sydenham #scratchnight this Sat (7.30pm) is Jane Walker's Throwback Thursday featuring @WillHastingsUK @ChiomaNwalioba & @katebarrylondon It's techno night and Matianah is here to pick up an android, so does Ando fit the bill? https://spontaneousproductions.co.uk/events/love-bytes-futureshock-february-2023/
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/SponProdsTC/status/1625803141156421632
#playlet #Sydenham #scratchnight
Testing #playlet today for #roku, just for fun. It works well . . . No ads, Sponsorblock! I don't know if it's my model or the #invidious back end, but video randomly stops to buffer.