@Wubira Sácalo del trastero... 😉


Last updated 1 year ago

Gen 2 evolved into Neliatchi! Her personality type is Naughty, and I love her attitude. Here’s what she’s “posted” to social so far:

📸 Day 1: She inherited a Safari bus from Gen 1.
Captioned: “Do you have?
📸 Day 2: She went to the arcade a lot!
Captioned: “Fun day out
📸 Day 3: She loves her new fruit basket!
Captioned: “Must have!
📸 Day 4: She traveled to the desert to ride a camel!
Captioned: “Travel rocks!

#item #fun #trip #view #playmore #tour #trek

Last updated 1 year ago

WACOCA · @wacoca
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