Design Milk : Diggs’ Evolv Dog Crate-Playpen Hybrid Fits Your Pup + Your Style #dogaccessories #modulardesign #dogplaypen #dogcrate #petcare #playpen #animal #crate #Diggs #Main #Pets #bowl #pets #bed #dog
#dogaccessories #modulardesign #dogplaypen #dogcrate #petcare #playpen #animal #crate #diggs #main #pets #bowl #bed #dog
I drop in on the #playpen once in a while to see what some of my followers have to say and notice it now looks like the ads on those old late night cable TV shows.
You know the ones, where theres an ad for a new 7 way vegetable chopper every 5 minutes.
Along with the ads for the great new use for hogrings, garage doors, and this amazing new kitchen gadget.
Really lends a perspective on the platform.
Here's a rat hack I heard about from the wonderful rat care expert (also mice), Emiology on YouTube. Bought a Songmics shelving unit to build into a giant rat playpen! Totally customizable in terms of shape and space. Since we're keeping all of Suwi rat's babies, we will need a better way to free roam everybody. Since I also built a floor, I will be adding soft fleece on top as well as toys and places to hide. YouTube video tutorial on how to build it: #rats #playpen
mission accomplished #playpen #BallPit #CatsOfMastodon #tabbycat #casual 🫧
#casual #tabbycat #catsofmastodon #ballpit #playpen