Rue Saint Michel devant l'école Gilbert Dru à #Lyon 😍 La ville qu'on aime.
#ruesdesenfants #playstreets #lyon7
#lyon #ruesdesenfants #playstreets #lyon7
#TacticalUrbanism #PlayStreets happening tomorrow in SE #Portland on Center Street near Foster Rd 3:30-7pm
#tacticalurbanism #playstreets #portland
@Silvergoatish @rivoluzioneurbanamobilita I lived in and campaigned for better streets in the UK through the 1990s and early 2000s until I emigrated to the Netherlands in 2007. In 2008 I wrote on my blog about play streets in the UK, which existed in the 1950s, though 40 years later everyone had seemingly forgotten about them:
#PlayStreet #PlayStreets #Woonerf #Woonerven
#playstreet #playstreets #woonerf #woonerven