The #morkborg session I ran yesterday took an unexpected turn, when one of the players decided that her character would join the cult of the demon child Ankühn and the ranks of Ankühn‘s rot priests, because her character found their metaphysical approach „convincing“. Given the over-the-top Mörk Borg setting, the other players did not perceive her decision as antagonistic. It lead to a cool twist, cheers, and added bleak morkborgish texture 🤘 #PlayToFindOutWhatHappens #PlayToLose #DeathZiggurat
#morkborg #playtofindoutwhathappens #playtolose #deathziggurat
Eines meiner liebsten Play to Lose Spiele (Trophy Dark) kam gestern an.
Sozusagen als Bonus war Trophy Gold dabei ;-)
Die Bücher sind fantastisch geworden, und das Warten hat sich mehr als gelohnt. Werde das als Anlass nehmen wieder mehr Trophy anzubieten.
#pnpde #horrorrollenspiele #playtolose