🇩🇪 #RocketFactory #Augsburg to launch its #RFA ONE vehicle beginning in 📆 2025 from Diamant #LaunchComplex at the #Guiana 🇬🇫 #SpaceCenter
🇫🇷 #CNES announced that it would open #Kourou up to micro and mini launch providers in early 2021. In July 2022, CNES pre-selected #Avio, #HyImpulse, #IsarAerospace, #MaiaSpace, #PLDSpace, #RocketFactory Augsburg, and #Latitude https://europeanspaceflight.com/rfa-sign-binding-term-sheet-for-access-to-guiana-space-center
🗺️ https://graphhopper.com/maps/?point=Diamant+Launch+Area&layer=Esri+Satellite
Picture : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kourou,_French_Guiana_ESA23855305.jpeg
#rocketfactory #augsburg #RFA #launchcomplex #guiana #spacecenter #cnes #kourou #avio #hyimpulse #isaraerospace #maiaspace #pldspace #latitude
Spanish startup company PLD Space called off an anticipated test launch of its rocket Miura-1 on Saturday.
The launch of the reusable aircraft from Huelva in southwestern Spain was canned at the very last minute, after the countdown to liftoff hit zero and smokes and flames appeared briefly on the launchpad.
Had it been successful, the test flight would have put Spain's first privately developed rocket into space.
#pldspace #satellite #rocket #aerospace #Space #spain
Documento. Compra pública precomercial para el desarrollo de una solución innovadora para un lanzador de pequeños satélites en el marco del PRTR
#Entidades #cdti #entidades #espaa #PangeaAerospace #PldSpace
#entidades #cdti #espaa #pangeaaerospace #pldspace
2 documentos. Miura 1 SN1 Test Flight 1. PLD Space. Launch Press Kit + Seguridad
#miura1 #launchpresskit #pldspace
PLD Space anuncia el lanzamiento este miércoles de su cohete MIURA 1:
· Nombre de Misión: MIURA 1 SN1 Test Flight
· Ventana de Lanzamiento: 30 de mayo 08:00 / 31 de mayo 10:00 (CET)
· Retransmisión en directo: 31 de mayo a partir de 05:30 (CET) en
Mucha suerte #PLDSpace
#Reuters 📆 May 18, 2023 #PLDSpace 🇪🇸 plans to launch its first private suborbital #reusable #rocket 🚀 before the end of this month. The first 🥇 private micro-launcher company to reach this historic milestone in the #European 🇪🇺 #SpaceRace https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/spains-pld-space-plans-first-rocket-launch-before-end-may-2023-05-18/
Picture : :ccby: :cc_sa: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PLD_Space,_Elche,_Alicante,_Espa%C3%B1a,_2018_03.jpg
#reuters #pldspace #reusable #rocket #european #spacerace
Spanish start-up PLD Space is set to fire its small Miura-1 rocket from the Andalusian coast by the end of May – a first in Spain, but only an initial step.
It will be the first private reusable rocket manufactured in Europe to compete with the many other such initiatives around the world.
#pldspace #rocket #aerospace #Space #spain
#PLDSpace plans to operate #satellite #MicroLaunchers 🚀 from #Teruel airport, #Aragon 🇪🇸 https://www.construction-europe.com/news/spain-s-new-spaceport-could-create-2-800-new-jobs/8026381.article
🗺️ https://graphhopper.com/maps/?point=TEV&point=TEV&layer=Esri+Satellite
Picture : #RocketEngine test at Teruel airport :ccby: :cc_sa: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aeropuerto_de_Teruel,_PLD_Space,_Espa%C3%B1a.png
#pldspace #satellite #microlaunchers #teruel #Aragon #rocketengine
🇪🇸 #PLDSpace will soon launch its #reusable #MIURA* 🚀 from #Huelva, #Andalusia https://youtu.be/jnDsI873EeM
🗺️ https://graphhopper.com/maps/?point=CEDEA&point=CEDEA&layer=Esri+Satellite
#LaunchPads are springing up across Europe 🇪🇺 as the small #rocket market takes off after decades of institutional dominance by national #SpaceAgencies.
Besides #Spain 🇪🇸, #Britain 🇬🇧, #Portugal 🇵🇹, #Germany 🇩🇪 and #Iceland 🇮🇸 are all running projects to put #satellites into #orbit https://phys.org/news/2023-03-private-firm-maiden-rocket-flight.html
* https://www.pldspace.com/en/miura-1
#pldspace #reusable #miura #huelva #andalusia #launchpads #rocket #spaceagencies #spain #britain #portugal #Germany #iceland #satellites #orbit
#European 🇪🇺 #spaceflight companies :
• #Arianespace 🇫🇷
• #Avio 🇮🇹
• #Skyrora 🇬🇧
• #HyImpulse 🇩🇪
• #RocketFactory #Augsburg (#RFA)
• #Orbex 🇬🇧
• #IsarAerospace 🇩🇪
• #PLDSpace 🇪🇸
• #Latitude 🇫🇷
• #MaiaSpace 🇫🇷
• #HyPrSpace 🇫🇷
• #SmallSpark 🇬🇧
• #Sidereus 🇮🇹
• #Pangea 🇪🇸
#european #spaceflight #arianespace #avio #skyrora #hyimpulse #rocketfactory #augsburg #RFA #orbex #isaraerospace #pldspace #latitude #maiaspace #hyprspace #smallspark #sidereus #pangea #spacecompany
El Gobierno invertirá 45 millones para desarrollar un lanzador de pequeños satélites español. Por Guillermo Rodríguez | infoespacial https://www.infoespacial.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4112925/diana-morant-vamos-capacitar-espana-lanzar-satelites-espacio
«La ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Diana Morant, ha anunciado que, "en las próximas semanas", el Gobierno de España lanzará una licitación para para el "diseño y fabricación de un lanzador de pequeños satélites" por valor de 45 millones de euros. [...] PLD Space ha anunciado que se presentará en solitario».
PLD Space lanzará al espacio el primer cohete español a principios de 2023. Por Guillermo Rodríguez | infoespacial https://www.infoespacial.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4112870/pld-space-lanzara-espacio-primer-cohete-espanol-principios-2023
«La compañía espacial española PLD Space lanzará su cohete Miura 1 entre abril y mayo de 2023, dependiendo de las condiciones meteorológicas. Se trata del primer lanzamiento de un cohete español que se dirigirá a una órbita espacial baja desde la base de El Arenosillo (Huelva)».