(part 1) I've stopped using both #Facebook(#Meta) & #Twitter, because I am so #SickAndTiredOf all of the #misinformation/#disinformation, #hackers, #scammers, #fakenews, #animalabuse, #and #childabuse going on on those #platforms. Also, since #ElonMusk took over #Twitter, he kicks people off for #AbsolutelyNoReasonWhatsoever, except for his own #amusement. I would like to know why they would allow such #SickAndTwistedAffairs! #pleaseboostthistoot & also #TellYourFriends about what is going on.
#tellyourfriends #pleaseboostthistoot #sickandtwistedaffairs #amusement #absolutelynoreasonwhatsoever #ElonMusk #platforms #childabuse #and #animalabuse #fakenews #scammers #hackers #misinformation #sickandtiredof #Twitter #meta #facebook
I've stopped using both #Facebook(#Meta) & #Twitter, because I am so #SickAndTiredOf all of the #misinformation/#disinformation, #hackers, #scammers, #fakenews, #animalabuse, #and #childabuse going on on those #platforms. Also, since #ElonMusk took over #Twitter, he kicks people off for #AbsolutelyNoReasonWhatsoever, except for his own #damned #amusement. I would like to know why they would allow such #SickAndTwistedAffairs! #pleaseboostthistoot & also #TellYourFriends about what is going on.
#tellyourfriends #pleaseboostthistoot #sickandtwistedaffairs #amusement #damned #absolutelynoreasonwhatsoever #ElonMusk #platforms #childabuse #and #animalabuse #fakenews #scammers #hackers #misinformation #sickandtiredof #Twitter #meta #facebook