#DWMC16 #Minicomputer #DIWhy #PleaseSendHelp
I have just finished writing my initial design for the instruction set for my DWMC-16 minicomputer.
There are a lot branching operations... Some of them are rather specialised...
#dwmc16 #minicomputer #diwhy #pleasesendhelp
Décidément j'ai pas de chance aujourd'hui. On dirait que la configuration de mon #Python est cassée 😩
#python #pleasesendhelp #help #programming #jepaielecafe
Well... I have bitten the bullet and written down a blog post about my initial idea for the DWMC-16 project that I am currently thinking about...
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #pleasesendhelp #dwmc16
Just put down the design for a simple 4 bit sliced ALU that I might implement for my DIWhy mini computer, created with the logic simulator program Digital, which is an easier to use LogiSim like program.
Possible operations are, Not A, A and B, A or B, A xor B, A + B, A + 1, A - B and A - 1, as well as checks for A == B and if Out == 0.
It also got its name, DWMC-16, for DIWhy MiniComputer 16-bit.
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #pleasesendhelp
Though... First I'd have to find cheap and useful Schottky diodes, transistors and test them for speed response when used in a DTL circuit...
Should be relatively easy with a signal generator and an oscilloscope...
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #pleasesendhelp
Welp... It seems that I have a serious case of NERD at the moment...
I have no idea why, but I am seriously considering DIYing my own 16 bit minicomputer, built with mostly discrete parts in diode transistor logic, and a register to register Von Neuman architecture, with a reduced instruction set...
Though I will draw a line at interfacing, memory and mass storage. Those would be using ICs and micro controllers...
On self made PCBs...
#diwhy #16bit #minicomputer #pleasesendhelp
A client's employee includes the ENTIRE email thread in every response, including any and all attachments from the original email, and then has his response email AT. THE. BOTTOM. OF. IT. ALL. #pleasesendhelp #consultantproblems
#pleasesendhelp #consultantproblems
Je suis dans le train, à quelques gares de mon arrêt, plongée dans mon tel avec des écouteurs, et quand tu j’ai relevé la tête parce que le train est arrêté anormalement longtemps j’ai trouvé le wagon vide, les écrans éteints, les quais vides aussi… et je sais pas ce que je dois faire 😬🫣 #PleaseSendHelp
I’m not able change the banner picture anymore… What am I doing wrong?
Dites, sur Twitter j’ai un compte perso et un compte « potichat » pour les poilus. C’est très facile de gérer les deux et de passer de l’un à l’autre.
Est-ce que Mastodon permet la même chose? Faut-il que les deux comptes soient sur la même instance? Ou je vais être obliger de log in and pour pour jongler entre les deux...?
#newbie #PleaseSendHelp