Good morning everyone, have a wonderful Monday. Enjoy it. #fish #goldfish #plecos #fishtalk #freshwater
#fish #goldfish #plecos #fishtalk #freshwater
Morning Humans, breakfast was good. Now I am ready for crazy swims, pleco adventures and watching TV. #plecos #fish #adventures #jamestkirk #bean #freshwater
#plecos #fish #adventures #jamestkirk #bean #freshwater
Just to prove that not all #plecos are the product of #hplovecraft nightmares, here’s my Panaqolus albivermis, aka Flash pleco
Or as Germans call them, the Ringelsockenwels aka “stripy sock catfish”. The Danes go for Hvidstribet Prinsesugemalle, which sounds amazing.
Hard to see in these pictures, but their tails have “streamers” at the tips which get longer as they mature.
Both females, so sadly no baby Welses.
There’s an entire website devoted to this stuff!
I've got some exciting #plushies in stock over on my website (all handmade by me and my sister).
I've also set up a special Mastodon-only discount code: enter MASTODON at checkout for 12% off your order!
There's currently various #fish #eels #gar #moray #iguanodons and #plecos in stock, to name a few.
#plushies #fish #eels #gar #moray #iguanodons #plecos