#PleromaBot 실행했더니 마스토돈 연결 단계에서 "Exception occurred for user" 에러나네요.
다른 봇으로는 잘 썼던 ID와 token이에요.
혹시 겪어보신 분? ㅠㅜ
#ResPublicae mirrors are catching up on the recent posts, using RSS input for the ever-wonderful #PleromaBot.
We're only able to get the 20 most recent posts from #RSSHub, so any account which posted more than that in the past ~2 weeks will have some posts missing. Some posts also get a bit messed up in the data conversion, so please be patient. (Most issues are already reported upstream.)
Please send patches or donations at https://pleromabot.robertoszek.xyz/pleroma-bot/!
#respublicae #pleromabot #RSSHub
@platonides @brion With #PleromaBot it would be easy to have many bots for the RSS feeds. The target can be Mastodon or Pleroma. Pleroma is more lenient in terms of syntax and length.
@petrescatraian No, there isn't, but you can send patches to #PleromaBot to implement a feature to map Twitter mentions to fediverse mentions.
We redirect #ResPublicae accounts to #EUVoice official accounts when possible and useful (for example https://respublicae.eu/@EUCourtPress ). The @EU_Commission account provides better mirroring features compared to the often broken mirror at https://social.network.europa.eu/users/EU_Commission , so it wasn't redirected yet.
#pleromabot #respublicae #EUVoice
#Privacy #GDPR #EUdataP #TERREG #DSA #DMA #DarkPatterns #cookies #NOYB #DuckDuckGo #AdTech #surveillance #DigitalRights #IAB
#Antitrust #Google #Microsoft #Twitter #Facebook #CloudFlare #MicrosoftTeams #Office365 #GoogleAnalytics #WhatsApp #Instagram #Gitlab #GitHub #Apple
#Mastodon #Fediverse #MastoAdmin #FediMeta #ActivityPub #FediAdmin #MastoMeta #PleromaBot #fediverso #CommunityMayNotScale
#OpenCollective #SocialCoop #cooperative #sustainability #cooperatives #commons
#privacy #gdpr #eudatap #terreg #dsa #dma #darkpatterns #cookies #noyb #duckduckgo #adtech #surveillance #digitalrights #iab #antitrust #google #microsoft #twitter #facebook #cloudflare #microsoftteams #office365 #googleanalytics #whatsapp #instagram #gitlab #github #apple #mastodon #fediverse #mastoadmin #FediMeta #activitypub #fediadmin #mastometa #pleromabot #fediverso #CommunityMayNotScale #opencollective #socialcoop #cooperative #sustainability #cooperatives #commons
@danyork On the script front, ages ago I used to use https://github.com/stephensekula/navierstokes . There's also an experimental #PleromaBot feature: https://github.com/robertoszek/pleroma-bot/issues/74#issuecomment-1261610383
Follow links to the sources through Nitter to verify posts.
Due to unexpected output in Twitter's v1 API, some quote tweets have been posted on #ResPublicae as if they were authored by the quoted user.
The issue is now handled by our mirror sofware #PleromaBot thanks to swift action by the developer. It lasted perhaps a few hours while a new version was being tested.
The cases we noticed were deleted manually.
We apologise for the confusion.
@andrewjbtw #Twitter might be purchased by a better owner like #Tumblr or #Flickr before it rots completely, and then at some point it might join the fediverse, but there won't be a 1:1 replacement for all users.
However, already today there are tools to import one's Twitter archive into #Mastodon or #Pleroma (#pleromabot). I hope managed services spring up for power users to set up their own fediverse instance and import as they want. Maybe with #GoToSocial?
#flickr #mastodon #pleroma #pleromabot #gotosocial #twitter #tumblr
@EU_Social This thread brought to you by the lovely developer of the #crossposting tool #pleromabot by @robertoszek, who fixed the feature request at stunning speed!
I made a little donation:
#crossposting #pleromabot #mutualaid
@webmink Meanwhile you can follow the unofficial crossposter at @EU_Commission (powered by the wonderful #pleromabot https://pleromabot.robertoszek.xyz/pleroma-bot/ ).
@walter @EU_Commission Good points!
As for the link, it exists but it is available only on Twitter:
This is a limit of the cross-posters which use the standard Twitter API on accounts which use the Twitter Ads stuff. At the moment the only automatic workaround is to link #nitter, like this:
Patches welcome for #pleromabot (but the #EC should really stop using non-interoperable Twitter cards).
ResPublicae.eu has launched! We want to make it easier to join the #EU policy discourse on the #fediverse.
For now we just mirror on #Mastodon about 1500 #Twitter accounts of EU officials and MEPs as listed by Wikidata and https://european-union.europa.eu/contact-eu/social-media-channels_en.
Example topics:
Special thanks to @mastohost for the excellent service and @robertoszek for being so helpful with #Stork / #pleromabot.
#EU #Fediverse #Mastodon #Twitter #Stork #pleromabot