AMP has just published!
"Non-Specific Pleuritis after Medical Thoracoscopy: A Prospective Study"
Letter to the Editor by Eduarda Seixas, Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira, Carlos Seixas, Gilberto Teixeira and Bárbara Rodrigues - a multicenter work.
Full paper available here:
#pleuraleffusion #pleurisy #etiology #thoracoscopy
Feeling sober and reflective this morning. It’s 5 years since I was getting very ill. We had no idea how ill. My GP in Scotland didn’t realise but fortunately my parents’ GP in Cornwall (where I’d dragged myself down - I thought - to recuperate from flu), did, and it was only after I ended up in hospital that the full extent was discovered.
#streptococcus #pleurisy #pneumonia #sepsis #sepsisawareness #sepsissurvivor