Pliny the Younger (61-112 CE) was the nephew of Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE), the author of the 37-volume Natural History. #History #PlinyTheYounger #PlinyTheElder #HistoryFacts
#historyfacts #plinytheelder #plinytheyounger #History
Also from earlier.
Me: Is this heaven?
My Wife: No weirdo. It's just the beer fridge.
#chuckshopshop #plinytheelder #craftbeer
Fortune favors the bold --- Pliny the Elder
Some call it luck but is it chance when you have the courage to act? If you want to succeed you must get out there. You must take risks.
Stop waiting for the perfect time. That time does not exist. This is a loser mindset. Discard it.
Go out and live your dreams. Do not be the person lying on their deathbed thinking about what could have and should have as life slips away.
#philosophy #warrior #stoicism #plinytheelder
This might be my first Bay Area based beer since leaving California. #PlinyTheElder 🍻
Pliny speaking the truth. Thanks @dbphys!
#plinyTheElder #colombiaNotColumbia
#plinytheelder #colombianotcolumbia
Please say hi to my newest #bot: @pliny
a Pliny the Elder click-bait generator based on his book of questionable facts "The Natural History" #pliny #PlinyTheElder
Imagining the alternate timeline where the #RomanEmpire collapses because #Trajan is swamped by MS Teams messages from #PlinyTheElder and can't get anything done.
#romanempire #trajan #plinytheelder
In the library at the #naturalhistorymuseumlondon there is a pigSkin bound copy of The Natural History (Latin: Naturalis Historia) by #plinytheelder- This volume is from the second edition, printed in 1472 (approx 1,400 years after it was compiled).
Advice includes -‘At any other time, also, if a woman strips herself naked while she is menstruating, and walks round a field of wheat, the caterpillars, worms, beetles, and other vermin, will fall from off the ears of corn.'
#naturalhistorymuseumlondon #plinytheelder