Goodbye Namur, #ploneconf2022, see you next year in Basque Country or at a #plone sprint!
So, #ploneconf2022 ended. Talked with many friends, gave a training, consumed many talks, had party fun, held 3 regular & 2 lightning talks. Again at the Board of Directors for one year.
Dear community you are amazing! And tomorrow I am going to attend the sprint. N8.
2023ko Plone Konferentzia antolatuko dugu Euskal Herrian! #ploneconf #ploneconf2022
Looks like I discovered the most important piece of inventory in our apartment #ploneconf2022 #Namur
I just boarded the train via Munich, Cologne and Liège to Namur. #plone #ploneconf2022
RT @plone
Today Plone celebrates 21 years! 🥳
What a journey it has been, with the most wonderful open source community ❤️
See you next week at the Plone Conference 2022!
#ploneconf2022 #plone #plone6 #zope #opensource #community #Python #React #Javascript #CMS
#plone #ploneconf2022 #plone6 #zope #opensource #community #python #react #javascript #cms