RT @limi
20 years ago today, we released version 0.1 of an open source project that is still going strong. I made some of my best friends in this community, and to this day, I am proud of what we all accomplished together. Happy birthday, @plone!
#plone #ploneis20 https://twitter.com/plone/status/1444950643437969408
RT @plone
October 4th, 2001 the first 0.1 version of Plone CMS was released, so Happy 20th Birthday Plone! ❤️🎂
In 2021 Plone is stronger than ever, with a new Plone 6 version coming soon (and a new cake 😅)
#plone #zope #plone6 #opensource #python #ploneis20
#plone #zope #plone6 #opensource #python #ploneis20