Non-communicable diseases are on the rise worldwide. This #PLOSBiology Essay advocates for combining genomic tools with partnerships with subsistence-level groups experiencing rapid lifestyle change to identify #genetic loci associated with #disease risk.
#disease #genetic #plosbiology
Deciding on a focus for your scientific career can be tough. In our latest #Biologue post,
Lisa Maier shares the story her research journey and how a #PLOSBiology paper set the course for her career
.@MartaShocket explores a #PLOSBiology study showing that, contrary to expectations, temperature fluctuations increased #parasite transmission, with implications for how #ClimateChange will impact infectious disease. Primer: Paper:
#climatechange #parasite #plosbiology
Samuel Alizon explores a #PLOSBiology study which uses evolutionary epidemiology models to show that #LifeHistory of reservoir mammal hosts of #zoonotic #viruses might be the key to predicting virulence in humans. Primer: Paper:
#viruses #zoonotic #lifehistory #plosbiology
Experiments using a #Daphnia-#microparasite system reveal that #DiseaseTransmission models that only model dynamics at among-host scale incorrectly predict the direction of effect of short-term temperature variability @leilakrichel &co #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #diseasetransmission #microparasite #Daphnia
#Bats are natural hosts for #viruses that cause higher case fatality rates in humans than do #zoonoses derived from any other source. @caraebrook @bootslab &co build a nested within-host, population-level model to explain this phenomenon #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #zoonoses #viruses #bats
Stressed? Sleep problems? #PLOSBiology Study reveals beneficial effects of #BrightLight treatment on stress-induced #sleep alterations; a visual circuit associated with the RMTg (rostromedial tegmental nucleus) underlies these effects
#sleep #brightlight #plosbiology
What features of a #research institute make it (and its people) flourish? This #PLOSBiology Essay explores the organization and culture of successful research institutes and the lessons we can learn from them.
Comparing cytoarchitectural subdivisions of #BrocasArea in humans & #chimps: @gagdiez @FriedericiLab &co find that BA44 expanded from a purely action region to a bipartite system (action-related posterior & #syntax-related anterior) in humans #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #syntax #chimps #brocasarea
To judge their behavioral relevance, the brain must integrate incoming sounds with the body’s locomotion. Study identifies a novel neural pop'n code in rodent #AuditoryCortex which integrates external sounds with animal’s locomotion speed #PLOSBiology
Costly expression of #virulence factors by #Salmonella elicits gut inflammation, which in turn promotes #pathogen blooms. This study explains the tight connection between #microbiome complexity & evolution of Salmonella virulence #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #microbiome #pathogen #salmonella #Virulence
.@SarinayElif &co reveal a novel mechanism of growth coordination in #Celegans; inhibition of #ribosome biogenesis in epidermis can trigger organism-wide #GrowthQuiescence, potentially via secreted proteins & the dense-core vesicle pathway #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #growthquiescence #ribosome #Celegans
Unprecedented nanometer-scale structures of cristae in >400 individual #mitochondria, by @Hirabayashi_Lab, using a novel deep learning-based analysis of #volumeEM images, (also reveals previously unknown function of OPA1) #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #volumeem #mitochondria
#DendriticSpines contain a specialized ER, required for Ca2+ signaling, spine enlargement & #SynapticPlasticity. @yipinghsueh &co show that KLHL17 & SYNPO control the synaptic distribution of the ER, and so regulate synaptic plasticity #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #synapticPlasticity #dendriticspines
The #SuprachiasmaticNucleus (SCN) is a central clock, coordinating an animal's rhythmicity. This study reveals that AVP neurons in the #SCN are the main determinant of period, regulating other SCN neurons, and influencing #circadian rhythms #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #circadian #scn #suprachiasmaticnucleus
The loss of large-bodied #wildlife from tropical forests reduces their #carboncapture potential. This #PLOSBiology Perspective argues that carbon-based markets that incentivize wildlife #conservation can generate revenues to support needed #forest and #hunting management.
#hunting #forest #conservation #plosbiology #CarbonCapture #wildlife
What causes pathology in #aging yeast cells? Circular DNAs (ERCs) are implicated, but @andrezylstra3 @HouseleyLab &co find no impact of #ERCs on gene expression/#senescence; rather, large amplified fragments of chr XII seem responsible #PLOSBiology
Is #CaloricRestriction the only diet that improves aging health? @Dorottya_Horkai @HouseleyLab &co show that dietary change from glucose to galactose, without restriction, can result in healthy #aging in yeast #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #aging #caloricrestriction
This Primer explores a recent #PLOSBiology study revealing that maternal consumption of #emulsifiers, commonly used as additives in #ultraprocessedfood, can impact the brains, metabolism & behavior of offspring. Paper: Primer:
#ultraprocessedfood #emulsifiers #plosbiology
Animal behavior is notoriously complex. This #PLOSBiology Perspective looks at how technological advances in #BehavioralEcology have enabled the study of variability over space and time, allowing a more holistic view of this complexity.
#BehavioralEcology #plosbiology