It's hard for me to enjoy favorite #TV #Characters coming back only to be killed off so the main character can escape/survive. It painfully reminds me these are lesser characters used as #PlotDevices serving the main show and whomever the show is mainly about.
imo, the only viability for the hero/villain foil re: artistic analysis is the examination of just who it is that thinks of whom as what, and why
beyond that it's antiquated and superficial at best, + often puritanical and dangerous
since either word is subjective, it's then about the attachment of meaning to abstract concepts within the context of your story. aka: slapping an empty word on your hard work.
I think you deserve better.
#plotdevices #storywriting #writingcommunity
In Sunstorm, the final attack is obscured and hinted at. But this difference amounts to only a few pages of text at most. A suspicion of lying here and a private conversation there primes the reader to think about what's going on in the world that they don't yet know about. There's a small amount of mystery afoot. It's this mystery which which makes the reveal satisfying.
Without anticipation, there is no release.
#Books #LiteraryTechnique #Writing #PlotDevices #Literature #BookReport
#Books #literarytechnique #writing #plotdevices #literature #bookreport