There, fixed it! Now on to the next plot hole...
#kdsmiththewriter #writingcommunity #authorsproblems #authors #writer #writersproblems #paperbackwriter #novelwriting #storywriting #plot #plothole #writers #writersofmastodon #writersonmastodon #authorsofmastodon #AuthorsOnMastodon
#kdsmiththewriter #WritingCommunity #authorsproblems #authors #writer #writersproblems #paperbackwriter #novelwriting #storywriting #plot #plothole #writers #writersofmastodon #writersonmastodon #authorsofmastodon #authorsonmastodon
Genesis says "God created man", then later Eve from his rib. They had only two sons (no daughters.)
When Cain murdered his brother Able, he was "banished to the neighboring village" where he met & married his wife.
Can you say #PlotHole? 🤨
sollte diese Holzhack-Szene am Anfang erklären, dass es mit der Feinmotorik der Replica nicht ganz so super hinhaut – und das #PlotHole so implizit erklären?
Hat bei mir immerhin mäßig geklappt – ich hab mich viel mehr gefragt, warum die Jungs so alleine gelassen werden, um in der Situation keine psychiche Betreuung vom Raumfahrinstitution bekommen.
Gonna have to do a whole #jurassicpark binge next weekend now smh #dinosaurs #movies #buttholes #reddit #plothole #funny #jokestadon #comedy
#comedy #jokestadon #funny #plothole #reddit #buttholes #movies #dinosaurs #jurassicpark
21:03 So you've known about this all along but NOW is when you bother mentioning it? #plotHole #picard #startrek #livetoot #nospoilers
#plothole #picard #startrek #livetoot #nospoilers