@bloom @washingtonpost I haven't seen these visualizations specifically, but I know a bit about making visualizations. In general, the most powerful and flexible way to generate graphics is the "grammar of graphics" idea coming from #ggplot2 from #rstats. In #python, there are two libraries that do it well: #plotnine and since this year also #seaborn. Both are good and have multiple nice themes, pick the one you like the most.
#ggplot2 #rstats #python #plotnine #seaborn
Replicate Python Data Science Handbook Scatter Plot https://github.com/jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook/blob/master/notebooks/04.02-Simple-Scatter-Plots.ipynb with #python #plotnine #ggplot
Replicate Python Data Science Handbook Scatter Plot https://github.com/jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook/blob/master/notebooks/04.02-Simple-Scatter-Plots.ipynb with #plotnine/#ggplot