RT @MRCWarwick@twitter.com
"To speed the plough... raise the wages"
A 'Land Worker' front cover to mark #PloughMonday
Find out more about working conditions of agricultural workers through online editions of the National Union of Agricultural Workers journal, 1919-1950, at https://warwick.ac.uk/services/library/mrc/archives_online/digital/unionjournals/land_worker/
đŠđ: https://twitter.com/MRCWarwick/status/1612444744323416064
Today is Plough Monday which marks the end of the Christmas holidays for agricultural workers and a return to the land.
Since the 15th century bands of young men in fancy dress, including a âBettyâ, would drag a decorated plough through the village knocking on doors asking for money, food and drink to supplement meagre wages or none at all over the holiday period.
And thatâs why the Cambridge Morris Men were dancing on Market Square today - in case you wondered :)
@EFDSS is it a plough share?
Itâd be an appropriate day to send one as it is #PloughMonday
RT @oldweirdbritain@twitter.com
Today is #PloughMonday, the first Monday after Twelfth Day.
'Plough lights' were kept burning in churches to bestow a blessing on all hardworking farmhands.
This gentle custom is worth reviving. I'm sure it would help us modern folk to connect to the growing of our food. https://t.co/6AOi4IE0zy
Plough Monday - "10 songs in celebration of Plough Monday - the first Monday after the twelfth day of Christmas when agricultural activities traditionally resumed"
Featuring #AnneBriggs #VashtiBunyan #SteeleyeSpan #TheCopperFamily
#cecilsharphouse #folkmusic #ploughmonday #thecopperfamily #steeleyespan #VashtiBunyan #annebriggs
Happy Plough Monday!
"For Plough Monday was the day when village life in many agricultural areas focused on the dragging of a decorated plough, sometimes a real one but often just a replica, around a community by bands of young men who would knock on doors and ask for money, food or drink. These men were [known as Plough Stotts in the North East]"
via @EFDSS
No sign of a plough or Plough Stotts in Whitley Bay sadly!
#folkcustoms #folk #ploughmonday
RT @VCH_London@twitter.com
Today is #PloughMonday, the first day of the new working year (historically) and on which tools were blessed. For examples of how this festival was celebrated, in our volumes and elsewhere, take a look @bho_history@twitter.com:
đŠđ: https://twitter.com/VCH_London/status/1612447656420466690
#Folklore #PloughMonday Today is Plough Monday, one of 3 days when knockabout folk plays were performed in England (w/Christmas & Easter) in return for largesse. Ethel Rudkin collected one in Jerusalem, Lincolnshire. Here's some nonsense from the Fool: "I am going to ask all you stickmejacks to me and ladys wedding and what you like best you must bring on with you. I know what me and me lady likes and what me lady is goin to have. We're going to have a barley chaff dumplin buttered with wool and a gallon of ropy ale to it. "
RT @LBFlyawayhome@twitter.com
Today is #PloughMonday - traditionally the start of the agricultural year
đŠđ: https://twitter.com/LBFlyawayhome/status/1612361714015551488
Here in northern winter (according to a Christian calendar that is eminently secularisable), today counts as #PloughMonday -- a day to ask blessing for tools and objects of use. Here are the superb pages (226-230) about the plough in Nature Near London, 1883, by #RichardJefferies -- who was a modern, not a nostalgic writer. In an earlier section he describes a scene of ploughing with the Crystal Palace at Sydenham in the distance. https://archive.org/details/naturenearlondonj00jeffiala/page/230/mode/2up
#ploughmonday #richardjefferies
Today is #PloughMonday - traditionally the start of the agricultural year
Artist: C F Tunnicliffe
#ploughmonday #nature #illustration #farming
Some agricultural workersâ union badges for those marking #PloughMonday today
Hereâs a selection of agricultural workersâ union badges to mark #PloughMonday - traditionally the first day back at work after Christmas. Hope youâll all be dragging a plough round the village today, collecting donations and ploughing up the doorsteps of those who wonât donate #TradeUnionBadges #histodons
#ploughmonday #TradeUnionBadges #histodons
Hereâs a selection of agricultural workersâ union badges to mark #PloughMonday - traditionally the first day back at work after Christmas. Hope youâll all be dragging a plough round the village today, collecting donations and ploughing up the doorsteps of those who wonât donate #TradeUnionBadges #histodons
#ploughmonday #TradeUnionBadges #histodons
Today is Plough Monday, the first Monday after Twelfth Night, when agricultural workers went back on the land after the Christmas holidays.
#PloughMonday #TwelfthNight
English Folk Dance and Song Society - Plough Monday
Today is #PloughMonday (the first Monday after twelfth night or Epiphany) it is historically the day which marked the end of the Christmas festival for the agricultural communities in the eastern counties of England.
#dailytarot @ 11:11:11
Ever heard of the #PloughMonday festival? First Monday after Epiphany,marking the start of the farm year. And there's work to be done ready for sowing.
So if life's slow at the mo,use any spare time NOW for prep work towards a big harvest later. #tarot
#dailytarot #ploughmonday #tarot
@ianhunt I wonder if a hoe would do for #PloughMonday ? Not sure I have a garden equivalent to a plough. Apart from my husband, perhaps.