For the record I have no idea what #ployamory or #ployamorous are supposed to mean… I just need to try a better Mastodon client that makes it easier to check my spelling in hashtags. 😅
#Polyamory and #polyamorous #romance though, I’m here for!
(They do sound kinda sinister though, don’t they? Maybe good #writing touchstones for antagonists Doing It Wrong.)
#writing #romance #polyamorous #polyamory #ployamorous #ployamory
Third is QUEEN, a #fantasy #SwordLesbians #romance that is, yes, a #ployamorous romance too. This one I started second as an exercise in freewriting an outline. This has the same worldbuilding rabbit hole complications as STARS and is definitely on the furthest back-burner, but is book one in the fantasy series I want to read! The outline is out of date, but still excites my imagination.
#ployamorous #romance #SwordLesbians #fantasy