When are humans going to learn that passwords and ID numbers are not secure. Passwords were a feeble first attempt by the computer industry to secure documents and access. It was secure back then, when only those with computers needed computer security. Now, we all need confidence in our cybersecurity. And along comes VicRoads with "Licence Card Numbers."
It's a number for your currently issued Driving Licence card. Now we have a Licence Number and a Licence Card Number, both on the card. Not on a separate card to keep at home, or only take out if opening a new bank account, on the card. Anybody see the problem here?
Hardware is secure. 90% secure. Passwords are not secures. Maybe 10% secure? I'm #plucknumbering but I'd be in the ballpark.
The first year the big 3 auto manufacturers rolled out rolling code central locking on consumer models, car theft dropped by a massive amount the following year. I remember being on the lines desk when the story came through from Sydney when I worked in Radio in Hobart.
I want a USB rolling code dongle. I am up to the back teeth with passwords, forced changes, failed changes and bureaucrats who roll out security that makes it easier for thieves to open a bank account in my name.
#plucknumbering #vicroads #licence #licencecardnumber #cybersecurity