Here is my proper post since I'll now be here full time!!

✨Who are we?✨

💜DID System of ~26 (we're still learning everyone)


💜Aromantic asexual (changes based on headmate)



💜I love connecting with other neurospicy peeps and systems.

💜We build our headmates into our writing

💜Crochet, paint, sketch, cook, write, videogames

#introduction #DID #dissociation #chronicillness #AuDHD #disabled #plural #neurodivergent #neurospicy #pluralgang

Last updated 1 year ago

Commodore (Todd) :trans_heart: · @KinkTodd
834 followers · 782 posts · Server

Observing a fragment of someone else's headmate detach, form temporary identity, then reintegrate with their *other* headmate has been trippy enough.

Now I am experiencing being thrust into primary front, more capable of critical thinking than Todd ever could be while this strongly baked. I am not sober, but nowhere near his level of nonfunctional.

The more we understand how being plural works, the weirder it sounds (not unpleasantly, mind you).



Last updated 1 year ago

te_lanus/Ectoplasm · @telanus
14 followers · 85 posts · Server

We're almost at the point where we non-human outnumber the humans in our system - Cheeky


Last updated 1 year ago

So I've written this out before and I got to 900 words before the mastodon app crashed and got rid of all my introduction.

Attempt 2


Hi! I'm Elliott, the host in this system: The Fox Collective. We are a moderately sized system of 30 ish, however many alters preform internal roles instead of fronting, for example trauma holders and caretakers.

We are autistic and have physical illnesses as well as a list of mental ones. We struggle a lot with communication and emotional permanence and so this account is going to be a journal-style for headmates to improve communication.

If we are going to talk about our struggles, they will be cw'd correctly.

We are 17. We will turn 18 in March. Do not interact with us if you are a "Minors DNI" account.

A lot of us are also trans, and the body will be undergoing medical transition when we can afford it. Our collective pronouns are it / fox / he, in order of preference. Please do not refer to us as they / them, even in a plural manner. It makes many of us very uncomfortable.


We really like foxes if you couldn't tell. And most other animals, especially those with a lot of personality.

We are a very creative bunch with a love of learning, although I do not like being bad at things. Art (both traditional and digital), poetry, design, and knitting are the things we are good at but we also dabble in sewing, baking, coding. We like listening to vocaloid music whilst we work and would listen to video essays if it weren't impossible to find people with "process-able" voices talking about interesting subjects that aren't triggering.

We use Linux. I think that deserves its own paragraph.

We tend to have many wips at one time, and tend to finish them sporadically.


We are in the GMT +1 timezone.

We try to respond to things but aren't strong in communication skills across text, we apologise for any miscommunication.

Don't flirt with us. We are a minor and we are taken by our girlfriend.

We sign off posts with the headmate's name and preferred pronouns. Eg: "-Elliott (it/he)"

Interaction welcome, please talk to us

Gonna say it again: WE ARE A MINOR ! Minors DNI please DNI :)


#introduction #DIDOSDD #didsystem #plural #trans #transgender #pluralgang #neopronouns #poetry #writing #art #knitting #webdev #html #css #autism #autistic #positivity

Last updated 1 year ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
34 followers · 316 posts · Server

Tjo, Zeit, schlafen zu gehen :D.
Ich wunder mich gerade, wer in unserer Zeitleiste auftaucht, und erinner mich dann, dass ein anderer Anteil vor kurzem einige neue Mastodon-Nutzer hinzugefügt hat.

#pluralgang #osdd #multi

Last updated 1 year ago

jax · @sodakits
4 followers · 9 posts · Server

are tags like these a thing?

#pluralgang #plurality #did

Last updated 1 year ago

te_lanus/Ectoplasm · @telanus
14 followers · 82 posts · Server

Flower power

#photography #pluralgang

Last updated 1 year ago

Superfreq · @Superfreq
168 followers · 525 posts · Server

I'm confused. As someone who has 2 close family members with previously called Where did all of these people with in their bios come from recently? Is this a common perception of other too? Is it a lifestyle thing? Are people just more comfortable to be seen now?

#dissociativeidentitydisorder #multiplepersonalitydisorder #plural #mentalillness #osdd #did #plurality #pluraltalk #pluralgang #psychology #psychiatry #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #therapy #neurodivergent #neurodiversity

Last updated 1 year ago

Daniemililly · @daniemililly
204 followers · 1283 posts · Server

The @NeuroPrideIreland team made us feel really welcome as part of their event this evening, letting me talk about representation and what that means to us. Thank you all so much!

#NeuroPrideDay #plural #pluralgang

Last updated 1 year ago

Hey, you.

Yeah, you. C'mere.

Here's a Lifehack for ya.

Stay weird, queer, and be something for right-wingers to fear. >:3

I'm rootin' for ya, pal! Be you and be awesome!


#queer #lifehack #lgbtqia #lgbtq #pluralgang #plural #therian #otherkin #trans #nonbinary #furry #fediverse

Last updated 1 year ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
34 followers · 295 posts · Server

Hey you all,
we hope that all Multis will have a great weekend.


#plural #multi #pluralgang #dis #osdd

Last updated 1 year ago

Just gonna shoutout some cool groups of creatures:

- Y'all are amazing and I believe in you! Your experiences are beautiful to me, I hope you enjoy your time with your headmates!

- Your experiences and feelings are downright magical. I am one of you and even I can't believe how awesome we are! Nonhumans rock!!

- We are one of the most inclusive and wonderful fandoms around. I'm so proud to be a furry! No matter how you furry it up, you ROCK!


#plural #pluralgang #therian #otherkin #furry

Last updated 1 year ago

te_lanus/Ectoplasm · @telanus
14 followers · 81 posts · Server

We shouldn't read about ghost-spider or accidentally add her to our Maladaptive daydream. Gwen chimed in, after saying she's from earth-trn884, that We're wring, and searched it up on Google. We'll we were wrong, and while browsing the Marvel wiki she saw a entry for Bootsie, and now she wants to front and go play with the works cat


Last updated 1 year ago

Do you mask as a singlet in your daily life?

#pluralgang #systwt #DID #plurallife

Last updated 1 year ago

te_lanus/Ectoplasm · @telanus
13 followers · 72 posts · Server

Well with our executive dysfunction and a meltdown later, we didn't get anything done.

#audhd #did #pluralgang

Last updated 1 year ago

Hello and everyone else that says fuck normal. is open for others to join the fun.

#mastodon #pluralgang #plural #lgbtq #lgbtqia

Last updated 1 year ago

$1296 from Eviction TODAY‼️ · @Hare
233 followers · 3035 posts · Server

We (us in 306, one of our sub-systems) are usually better at things, but this last switch was unexpected and very sudden, and we were not at all prepared to deal with everything that's going on since we really don't know what we're doing. 😰

Idk how much we're allowed to say about our system dynamics for safety reasons, but we really want more folks to understand how complicated things can be not only because we're ill & disabled, but because of our DID/plurality.

Sorry this was long, we're scared and it's making us ramble. 😓 - front-stuck 306

#did #MutualAid #pluralgang #polyfragmented #plurality #crisis

Last updated 1 year ago

EM-Jay Sound [System] · @emjaysound
7 followers · 3 posts · Server

I suppose I should do one of these posts eh?

Hey, I'm EM-Jay, 26yo Audio Engineer in the Sydney Musical Theatre world!

There's lots to me: being , , , and lots of vibes and that's not just the 10 other personalities talking (but also...).

Musician and songwriter with varying experience in singing, guitar, bass, mandolin, and aiming to pick up violin sometime during 2023. I'll probably end up posting half-finished songs every now and again.

Gamer and former streamer primarily loving games like Payday 2, Halo, Forza Motorsport, and indie gems like Kaiju Noir and Neon Abyss.

This is very much a profile that will have some spice to it, formerly a model on several adult sites (I just don't have the time anymore) and as a result I still write and take photos that are only intended for adults as stated in the content warnings! Eventually I'll port the microfics over from birdsite.

Hope you stay awhile!

#introduction #trans #queer #polyamorous #neurospicy #pluralgang

Last updated 1 year ago

$1650 from Eviction‼️😭 · @Hare
225 followers · 2980 posts · Server

Urgently need to crowdfund, but fucking exhausted and not even sure when we slept last... 😰

#eviction #exhaustion #panic #nonbinary #pluralgang #did

Last updated 1 year ago

te_lanus · @telanus
12 followers · 66 posts · Server