Si tout se déroule sans encombre, je passe actuellement mon dernier week-end en tant que doctorante 😱
Le fruit de ces quatre dernières années de travail, le voici. Un #manuscrit de 496 pages, de plus de 2kg.
Je suis toute émue de le voir physiquement 🥲
#these #sociolinguistique #linguiste #phd #doctorat #shs #soutenance #SIC #InfoCom #pluridisciplinarite
#manuscrit #these #sociolinguistique #linguiste #phd #doctorat #SHS #soutenance #SIC #InfoCom #pluridisciplinarite
Our paper « Decline of immunity and boosters: impact of the vaccination strategy on the expected evolution of COVID-19 epidemic in France » published in #Vaccines is now accessible online: #epidemiology #covidfrance #modeling #multiagents #pluridisciplinarité #cnrs #mathematics cc @NicolasBerrod
#vaccines #epidemiology #covidfrance #modeling #multiagents #pluridisciplinarite #cnrs #mathematics
Our paper « Decline of immunity and boosters: impact of the vaccination strategy
on the expected evolution of COVID-19 epidemic in France » has just been accepted for publication in Vaccines. #epidemiology #covidfrance #modeling #multiagents #pluridisciplinarité #cnrs #mathematics
#epidemiology #covidfrance #modeling #multiagents #pluridisciplinarite #cnrs #mathematics