Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
278 followers · 282 posts · Server


Have you considered using the property to explore living condition scenarios from "Decent living with minimum energy"? That's something I've frequently thought about since reading that paper (I just did a measurement now, to compare a 15 m² per capita benchmark.)

It could go hand-in-hand with a transfer to cooperative ownership, for people who could be interested in trying this.


Also posted on Groundtalk — the low-energy and low-data () social network, that uses less energy than a single tweet:

#permacomputing #housing #coop #degrowth #rent #capitalism #sharedhousing #cohousing #cooperatives #design #PostGrowth #transitions #sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #architecture #interiordesign #planning #construction #buenvivir #livingwell #pluriverse

Last updated 1 year ago

richjensen · @richjensen
233 followers · 943 posts · Server

@robin @shibacomputer Really vibing with the generative possibilities of the 'Alternative Forking' practice. Helps me visualize a practical set of interventions regarding the last two hundred years of sociotechnical management of the watershed where I now reside.

#pluriverse #salishsea #watershed12 #steilacoom #puyallup #nisqually #squaxin #lushootseed #twulshootseed #wria12

Last updated 2 years ago

AGF : poemproducer · @poemproducer
1121 followers · 3730 posts · Server
Alx 🐈 · @alx
246 followers · 973 posts · Server

'What is undeveloped in our western conscience is the idea of plural history, the idea of a non-homogenous modernity, irregular, non-linear. In short, history is much more complicated than we would like it to be, and modernity much more heterogeneous. The questione meridionale is a typical example of the complex nature of history.'

#pluriverse #anthro #culture #anthropology #orientalism #globalsouth #italy #south

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Reisman · @rreisman
60 followers · 176 posts · Server

Important, nicely put, and very aligned with what @mchris & I propose from a user rights and democracy perspective ( and, & w/ proposals by @mmasnick, @Ellgood & more. From to !

#fediverse #pluriverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Luke Martell · @lukemartell
537 followers · 258 posts · Server

"Must be read by young people everywhere, to inspire a new generation to dream and act for justice, equity and restoring peace with the earth" says Ashish Kothari of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives. 50% off my book on Alternative Societies until Sunday if you use the code POAC50 at this link

#alternatives #socialism #pluriverse #utopia

Last updated 2 years ago

José Manuel Barros · @Barros_heritage
226 followers · 378 posts · Server

"the practice of a world of many worlds, or what we call a pluriverse: heterogeneous worldings coming together as
a political ecology of practices, negotiating their difficult being together in heterogeneity". Marisol de la Cadena and Mario Blaser (eds.). A World of Many Worlds (2018, Duke University Press). Read the Introduction:
@academicchatter @sociology

#pluriverse #ontology #ontologicalpolitics #ecology #world

Last updated 2 years ago

José Manuel Barros · @Barros_heritage
225 followers · 376 posts · Server

: many worlds populated by fictional characters.
: many worlds populated by consumers and companies.
: many worlds populated by beings who live and die to preserve their worlds or create new ones. About pluriverse: @academicchatter @sociology

#multiverse #metaverse #pluriverse

Last updated 2 years ago

The Bird · @TheBird
808 followers · 243 posts · Server

I think the reason I love solarpunk so much is twofold:

1. Solarpunk recognizes that our environment plays a huge role in our we survive. Adapting to our environment and working with nature not only protects us but also keeps the environment thriving for future generations. Technology is only used to assist people and the environment - not for profit.

2. Solarpunk definitely has a degrowth sort of approach to the economy. How society is rebuilt in a solarpunk world tends toward anarchist communes, participatory economies, library economies, and anti-capitalist modes of existence. Solarpunk is perfect for what Arturo Escobar calls the Pluriverse (taken from the Zapatistas of Chiapas description of a better world).

These ideas heavily influence how I build Elivera, my world-building project (that is the setting for majority of my stories).

I wrote a manifesto of my Solarpunk ideas here:

What are your thoughts on solarpunk, fellow Mastodonians?

#solarpunk #randomthoughts #degrowth #anarchism #participatoryeconomy #pluriverse #LibraryEconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

rafaelfajardo · @rafaelfajardo
82 followers · 224 posts · Server

I've been asked to lecture at CalArts in April providing a capsule history of videogame design and graphics. I'll borrow methods from Silas Munro and Ramon Tejada and accept that it will be a partial and incomplete history with an explicit point of view.

#game #videogame #histories #pluriverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Annhattan · @annhattan
77 followers · 364 posts · Server

For me a glimmer of the emerging we don’t yet hear tell enough about.

Complimentary juxtapositions from very different worlds...cadence, rhythms, POV’s you just never would've thought.

Letting things happen just isn't that hard. Through it to get to it. More of this mixin.

#flashbackfriday #integration #Songwriters #worldmusic #Music #lrbaggs #gangstagrass #bluegrass #Rap #pluriverse

Last updated 2 years ago

The Bird · @TheBird
783 followers · 170 posts · Server

In contrast to Sunik nation, I have the Eagrok nation located on the Vera continent to the west. Vera continent is home to enormous trees called Raliok, which can grow to a height of nearly a kilometer. Thus, much of the communities on Vera are grown into the upper canopy of these massive forests, in order to have access to open skies for solar and wind energy.

For the Eagrok nation, I gave them a more tumultuous history, mostly because this is where a lot of the Americans and other Global North Earth-people ended up after Humanity lost access to Earth during the liberation era. They had to unlearn capitalistic ways that reward greed and competition, and relearn collective management of resources and how to be in community with one another.

This nation required a lot of unlearning on my own part. My notes are extensive and not yet incorporated into the main article. I plan to expand on its constitution, planned economy, cultural stuff, and military/defense policies.

For Eagrok nation, I was influenced by Cedric Robinson's Black Marxism, theory, Arturo Escobar's theory, theories written by various Indigenous authors, (sins invalid), and Harsha Walia's work.

#marxist #pluriverse #decolonial #DisabilityJustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Hull · @Richard_Hull
788 followers · 454 posts · Server

@SteveKLord Thank you for this. I'm interested in the incredibly wide variety of alternatives that are emerging all around the world - some of them are mentioned in the wonderful (and freely downloadable) book 'Pluriverse: A Post Development Dictionary'.

#utopias #pluriverse #communityeconomies #sustainabletransitions #degrowth

Last updated 2 years ago

The Bird · @TheBird
458 followers · 477 posts · Server

I love to worldbuild. I spend a lot of time -- most of my adult life -- writing lore for my created world of Elivera. Been slowly importing the handwritten and random documents on my computer into world anvil here:

I think a lot about how we create culture together. Part of it is rooted in the languages we speak -- as some culture gets united based on language, but not all of culture. Some culture gets united through bonds of family and friendship, through communities that live in same region, through digital platforms, through activities and groups, and other ways of gathering together.

How we build those communities might seem organic, but in reality, they are intentional. The biases we bring to a community can become woven into how that community is built. If we are not conscious, consensual, and intentional we can end up recreating oppressive systems in our communities.

We must be mindful and intentional about how we build communities. "Organically built" communities tend to favor the most insistent and often most privileged. To combat that, we have to intentionally subvert that tendency and place marginalized people within positions of leadership and decision-making.

We can't build a better world using the tools of oppressors. This means we also need to evaluate how we make decisions, how we discuss things, who we bring to the table.

So how does that relate to worldbuilding?

In Elivera, I try to create communities intentionally. I think about those that may live in those regions, what languages they may speak, how they live, who they talk with, what groups may form, what biases might creep into the community building.

Elivera exists as a counterpoint to our own world. The layout of the stories that comprise this world is people from Earth going through a traumatic event together and getting stuck on an alien world - hundreds of thousands of them. They then in groups of collectives decide to intentionally create a world that is more equitable, inclusive, just, sustainable, and consensual. But this isn't easy to do. Especially on an alien world, where they must learn a new way of survival a lot of the world can be toxic to humans.

This has forced me to read up on various alternate ways of building community and culture. Non-Western ways. Indigenous ways. The Pluriverse as Arturo Esocobar and the Zapatistas of Chiapas call it: a world of many worlds. There can't be one way to do things -- Elivera must be a world of many worlds. Where many cultures thrive, where people find their own way of living out equity, justice, sustainability, consent, and inclusivity.

There is no one way to build such a world. But to do so, we gotta be willing to acknowledge the socialized bias and harms instilled into us from a young age. Then we must continuously work to unlearn that. We must continue to be intentional and consensual and conscious of how we build and grow communities. We must continue to find ways to root out harm and intolerance and hold that accountable (or ban it entirely as tolerating intolerance only leads to a more intolerant world, as philosophized by Karl Popper).

It's a difficult balance. It's why I write and talk with folks about these topics.

Anyway, I was working on some Elivera articles, so that got me thinking about all of this. Thanks for reading!

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#worldbuilding #sciencefiction #solarpunk #culture #communitybuilding #equity #justice #intentional #pluriverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Matter · @scottmatter
549 followers · 369 posts · Server

@superglaze @Gargron could be fascinating to see how 260+ million accounts in a federated system would work differently from that number in a centralized system.

Will also be fascinating to see how governance (ugh, lacking a better term) evolves across the many diverse instances and the fediverse as a whole. We may just see a digital one day


Last updated 2 years ago

The Bird · @TheBird
458 followers · 477 posts · Server


This got me thinking, so here's some thoughts:

A UK professor wrote a whole book on utopia, which is... not very readable to those that don't speak Academic-ese, but part of his argument included some of what you mentioned here. Archaeologies of the Future.(Mind you, he used 1 Black author, and ignored more recent books that came out sooner than the 90s. take with grain of salt.) I bring him up mostly because the link between utopia and dystopia was laid out in detail in his book, and I do agree that the two seem inseparable, especially in how Western imagination depicts both.

It's why I abandoned both terms and the philosophy behind them. Eutopia is an interesting compromise, though what constitutes "good" and who decides that? Also, what constitutes a "good" society? How does it differ from Western ideas of one "good" society into which a whole world fits? Does ot dismantle that 'one world' idea?

I sort of prefer the term used by many Latine and South American Indigenous scholars -- Pluriverse, which signifies a world in which many worlds are possible. And was part of motto of the Zapistas of Chiapa, autónoma zona. Arturo Escobar wrote a few great books explaining the concept of Pluriverse and how it could be realized. Although it's real world theory, it's been adapted into fiction from those regions too.

The term Pluriverse was meant to go against capitalism's One-World-Theory that consumes everything into its twisted colonial logic. Utopias tend toward a 'one world' logic too.

Pluriverse rejects the idea of one world - or rather one "good" society or way of being. Instead, Pluriverse celebrates how there are many ways to exist in community within our environments, that we ought to have freedom and space and sustainable resources to explore those many ways of being in relation, and is a call to return to the plurality of many unique societies existing that was how the world was before capitalism and colonialism.

I share this because I feel that utopia and dystopia is very anti-pluriverse, and are wedded to colonialism. This idea of fixing the future, where utopianism tended toward this one "good" and/or "equal" way of existing in society. While dystopia tore down any progress toward justice, community, equality, and "good." Although dsytopias could be seen as having plurality (lots of communities trying to survive in wastelands, and not under one banner), dsytopia is the end result of colonialist capitalism taken to its extreme or utopias taken to the authoritarian extreme.

If we want to dismantle and step away from Western ideas of society, then we must dismantle all forms of utopia and dystopia, and splinters of it. We need to embrace a more diverse way of existence and organizing communities -- a pluriverse so to speak.

Ok, I am starting to ramble a bit here. I hope that made sense!

Thanks for getting me thinking.

#pluriverse #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Cohn · @jessecohn
288 followers · 268 posts · Server

Trying to piece together what happened after Walter Mignolo infamously endorsed that Hindutva book. Did other pluriversal thinkers have any reaction to that?

#pluriverse #mignolo #decolonialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim · @timharrap
210 followers · 70 posts · Server

Editorial: Call for papers – indigenous epistemologies and circular economy: critical reflections from the periphery

#decoloniality #circulareconomy #pluriverse #mignolo

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fairbairn · @james
115 followers · 65 posts · Server

Hi! I work in platform strategy for a game platform. I like :)

Yes, I talk , , policy, tech/society and so forth. But looking curiously at denial we're in about the changes we need, individually and collectively, to stave off ecological disaster and the collapse of advanced human society. Not just , but , , , , , , , .

#introduction #wardleymaps #product #strategy #climate #biodiversity #topsoil #water #transition #permaculture #pluriverse #designjustice #localism

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fairbairn · @james
115 followers · 65 posts · Server