a #collection of a large number of short subjective treatments of various topics inspired by studies in the classics (especially #Plutarch), as well as discursions into the autobiographical and anecdotal. Makes heavy use of the #passive #voice and the #future #perfect #progressive tense (e.g. "the song will have been being sung by an Angel when the fruits of love I desire will have been being consumed by me").
#collection #plutarch #passive #voice #future #perfect #progressive
Thucydides (c. https://www.worldhistory.org/Thucydides/ #History #Herodotus #History #Plutarch
Thucydides (c. https://www.worldhistory.org/Thucydides/ #History #Herodotus #History #Plutarch
Here's the last Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Plutarch's On Controlling Anger. This one looks at an excuse a lot of people make for their anger, that's it's really "righteous indignation" or more literally "hatred of wickedness"
#Podcast #Anger #Plutarch #Philosophy #Emotion #Ethics
#ethics #emotion #philosophy #plutarch #anger #podcast
One general remedy for anger in oneself or others Plutarch identifies and discusses is an attitude of cheerfulness. Here's a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode about that!
#Podcast #Anger #Cheerfulness #Plutarch #Philosophy #Emotion #Relationships #Ethics
#ethics #relationships #emotion #philosophy #plutarch #Cheerfulness #anger #podcast
One of the ways Plutarch thinks we can be less angry is by adopting a simpler lifestyle, not being too fussy about or attached to having things a particular way. Here's a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode about that
#Podcast #Plutarch #Anger #Simplicity
#simplicity #anger #plutarch #podcast
Here is the next Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Plutarch's work On Controlling Anger. What is the cause of anger? Multiple, according to Plutarch, but there are some very common ones. . .
#Anger #Plutarch #Podcast #Philosophy #Ethics #Contempt
#contempt #ethics #philosophy #podcast #plutarch #anger
Continuing on with the Sadler's Lectures podcast episodes discussing Plutarch's On Controlling Anger, here's one discussing a technique he sets out for managing our anger
#Podcast #Plutarch #Anger #Philosophy #Emotion #Management #Platonism #Ethics
#ethics #platonism #management #emotion #philosophy #anger #plutarch #podcast
It would be surprising for Plutarch the philosophical biographer not to discuss people who get things right. In On Controlling Anger he gives us some examples of how to do precisely that. Here's a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on that.
#Podcast #Anger #Philosophy #Leadership #Emotions #Examples #Plutarch
#plutarch #examples #emotions #leadership #philosophy #anger #podcast
I'm starting a new set of Sadler's Lectures podcast episodes on Plutarch's short work On Controlling Anger, which I'm teaching again this semester. Here's the first episode!
#Plutarch #Philosophy #Podcast #Anger #Training #Emotion #Reason #Rationality
#rationality #reason #emotion #training #anger #podcast #philosophy #plutarch
Interesting thought experiment I learned about while reading "Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know " by Adam Grant.
The Ship of Theseus Paradox
“Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.” #Plutarch
A number of sources allude to gossip around Caesar and homoeroticism:
#Catullus 93 (nil nimium studeo, Caesar): http://data.perseus.org/citations/urn:cts:latinLit:phi0472.phi001.perseus-lat1:93
#Suetonius Life of Caesar §49 (where the epithet appears): http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Suetonius/12Caesars/Julius*.html
#Plutarch Life of Caesar §10 (on the Bona Dea scandal): http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Plut.+Caes.+10&fromdoc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0244
#histodons#antiquidons #ancient #ancmed #ancienthistory #juliuscaesar #clodius #teaching
#teaching #clodius #juliuscaesar #ancienthistory #AncMed #ancient #histodons #plutarch #suetonius #catullus
Here's the last in the set of new core concept videos on Plutarch's work On Controlling Anger, this one discussing examples of leaders who deliberately managed their own anger well.
#Anger #Video #Plutarch #Philosophy #Examples #Leadership #Ethics
#ethics #leadership #examples #philosophy #plutarch #video #anger
Here's the next in the set on core concept videos on Plutarch's On Controlling Anger. He counsels us not to confuse anger with "righteous indignation" (misoponeria)
#Plutarch #Video #Philosophy #Anger #Emotion #Distinction #Indignation
#indignation #distinction #emotion #anger #philosophy #video #plutarch
Sometimes when I determine what topics to focus on in a text in a set of core concept videos, I realize as I'm rereading that I left an important one out. Here's one of those topics from Plutarch's On Controlling Anger!
#Video #Plutarch #Anger #Philosophy
#philosophy #anger #plutarch #video
Here's a core concept video on Plutarch's great short work On Controlling Anger. We set ourselves up for getting angry by getting too picky, particular, or attached when it comes to things. Cultivating the right kind of simplicity, on the other hand. . .
#Plutarch #Philosophy #Anger #Emotion #Simplicity #SimpleLife #Happiness
#happiness #simplelife #simplicity #emotion #anger #philosophy #plutarch
Here's another of the new core concept videos I created for my students, examining Plutarch's work On Controlling Anger. This looks at some main causes that produce anger, the perception of contempt or neglect
#Anger #Video #Plutarch #Philosophy #Ethics
#ethics #philosophy #plutarch #video #anger
Here is the next core concept video on Plutarch's On Controlling Anger. This one looks at the analogies between a tyranny and anger in that text
#Anger #Plutarch #Tyranny #Ethics #Emotion #Philosophy #Power
#power #philosophy #emotion #ethics #tyranny #plutarch #anger