Happy #PlutoDay! It may (or may not?) be a planet any more, but the story of Pluto, and of its namesake deity, is still fascinating. We talked about it in one of our first podcast episodes: http://www.alliterative.net/podcast/2015/7/31/episode-3-from-plato-to-pluto
Happy #plutoday! The former planet was discovered #OTD by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. It lost its planetary status in 2006. A while back, I reviewed the kerfuffle over #Pluto -- a debate that never seems to go away -- for NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/pluto-planet-or-dwarf-planet-nasa-chief-picks-sides-emotional-ncna1047806 #astronomy @nbcnews
#plutoday #otd #pluto #Astronomy
Heute ist internationaler Pluto-Tag. Am 18.2.1930 wurde der ehemalige Planet von Clyde Tombaugh entdeckt. Ex-Planet und nicht Hund. Trotzdem lasse ich den Wuffi heute hochleben. Happy #PlutoDay!
On National Drink Wine Day, let's raise a glass to the power of innovation and the mysteries of the universe! Did you know the voltaic pile, the first battery, used wine to create an electrical current? Coincidentally, it's also National Battery Day, so let's pour one out for Pluto, the former planet that still captures our imaginations and inspires us to explore the far reaches of the solar system. 🍷🔋🪐 #NationalDrinkWineDay #NationalBatteryDay #PlutoDay
#nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday