DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1380 followers · 18118 posts · Server

"The press have repeated a statement initially peddled by , that this contaminated water only includes . This is untrue, and tritium is not without its own risks. The water being discussed has been through the various filtration systems on site used to remove . Each system removes some of the radioactive elements in the water. ALPS is the last of these systems. It can remove much of the remaining contamination but not all of it, some radioactive contamination remains in this water.

"We [SimplyInfo] documented back in 2018 that this water contains other problematic radioactive elements including:

(238, 239, 240)

Iodine 129
Cobalt 60
Curium 244
(152, 154)
Selenium 79
Nickel 63
Tin 126 (aka: Sn-126)

"As of 2018 the stored post ALPS water contained 200 billion becquerels of iodine 129, 106, and technetium 99. As stored water increases, so does the total volume of contamination within that water.

"TEPCO and the Japanese government have tried to ease concerns by claiming the water will be diluted before it is dumped into the Pacific ocean. This is a meaningless step. The total amount of radioactive contamination is still dumped into the ocean, you just dumped some additional water beside it at the same time."

#tepco #tritium #radioactive #Isotopes #plutonium #americium #technetium #europium #cesium #strontium #ruthenium #japan #japangovernment #tepcolies #FukushimaDaiIchi #fukushima #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

! Quite Interesting · @notqikipedia
118 followers · 702 posts · Server

This is the coat of arms of Zheleznogorsk, a formerly closed city where Russia produced plutonium. It inexplicably shows a huge bear spinning three hula hoops while pulling apart an ostrich egg.

#russia #zheleznogorsk #nuclear #atomic #plutonium #geography #industry #qi #notqi

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
311 followers · 10142 posts · Server
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1210 followers · 15829 posts · Server

And why might and be pissed off? Might have something to do with rising ocean temperatures (affecting their food sources) and all the CRAP we've been dumping into the world's oceans!

Signs of the human era, from fallout to

AFP, 10/07/2023

Paris (AFP) – As scientists make the case that humans have fundamentally transformed the planet enough to warrant our own geological epoch, another question arises: is there anything left untouched by humanity's presence?

"Soaring gases, ubiquitous microplastics, pervasive "forever chemicals", the global upheaval of animals, even old and chicken bones -- all have been put forward as evidence that the world entered the , or era of humans, in the mid-20th century.

"Jan Zalasiewicz, a British who chaired the Anthropocene Working Group for over a decade, paused for a moment when asked if there was anywhere on Earth that lacked signs of human influence.

"'It's hard to think of a more remote place' than the in , Zalasiewicz told AFP.

"Yet when scientists drilled deep below the glacier's ice a few years ago, they found traces of .

"It was lingering fallout from nuclear weapon tests that began in 1945, leaving behind a presence unlike anything before.

"Zalasiewicz said these radionuclides represented perhaps 'the sharpest signal' to mark the start of the Anthropocene epoch 70 years ago."

Read more:

#dolphins #orcas #nuclear #microplastics #greenhouse #mobilephones #anthropocene #geologist #pineislandglacier #antarctica #plutonium #radioactive #orcarevolution #dolphinrevolution #nodumping #fukushima #FukushimaWater #waterislife

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
4 followers · 6661 posts · Server
Pekka Mäkinen · @PTM
63 followers · 342 posts · Server

"One day in Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project, a brief, casual moment of carelessness killed one scientist and severely injured another. In this specially illustrated story, the artist and writer Ben Platts-Mills recounts what happened to these atomic bomb-makers – and why their accident holds powerful lessons for today."

#radiation #plutonium

Last updated 1 year ago

Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
1095 followers · 2103 posts · Server

“As cleanup efforts continue in Washington state at a decommissioned U.S. facility that played a crucial role in the country's acquisition of the atom bomb in World War II, questions linger over whether the site has caused serious health issues for workers and local residents.”


#nuclear #Hanford #plutonium #nuclearpower

Last updated 1 year ago

GeekProjects News · @news
4 followers · 3116 posts · Server
IT News · @itnewsbot
3255 followers · 261383 posts · Server

Der von mit des Strategic Air Command der US Air Force geschah am 17. Januar 1966 bei Palomares, einem kleinen Ort an der spanischen Südostküste zwischen und . Ein mit vier Wasserstoffbomben bestückter US-Bomber und ein Tankflugzeug kollidierten in der Luft. Die mit Plutonium gefüllten Zünder von zwei der Bomben explodierten und verteilten mehrere Kilo hoch radioaktives -239 über die Landschaft.

#nuklearunfall #palomares #Atomwaffen #almeria #cartagena #plutonium

Last updated 1 year ago

umweltFAIRaendern · @umweltFAIRaendern
42 followers · 501 posts · Server

Schmetterlinge - Hände über Hönnepel - Der Schnelle Brüter Kalkar ging nie ans Netz
Die östereichische Band  Schmetterlinge ging Ende der 70er Jahre auf eine Tournee durch Deutschland mit dem Titel "Herbstreise"....
Brüter # uran

#atomausstieg #Atomkonzerne #Kalkar #mox #plutonium #schmetterlinge #schneller #atomgefahren #atomenergie #atomkraft #atommull

Last updated 2 years ago

Vingt Trois Seize 💎 · @vingtroiseize
278 followers · 715 posts · Server
Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
1007 followers · 1392 posts · Server

"More warheads, more nuclear waste to New Mexico. Santa Fe fearful, as Carlsbad leaders support efforts"

"Two meetings on nuclear waste were held in New Mexico this week, on different sides of the state with very different reactions from attendees.

On Tuesday, a townhall-style meeting was held in Santa Fe which more than 300 persons attended and about 200 participated online.

Most expressed fears and concerns that a federal plan to transport surplus to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad would endanger local communities along the transportation routes.

The next night at a meeting at the city golf course in , about 30 business leaders, elected officials and invited guests took a much warmer tone with the federal government and its plans for New Mexico and the nearby site."


#plutonium #carlsbad #wipp #nuclear #NuclearWaste #nuclearweapon #newmexico

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael · @rattletickbuzz
5 followers · 4 posts · Server
Michael · @rattletickbuzz
5 followers · 4 posts · Server
Rob C · @SimpleRobC
97 followers · 2041 posts · Server

Putin in Tea Land

#putin #tea #plutonium #iaea

Last updated 2 years ago

nju · @Soweitsogut
98 followers · 1211 posts · Server

Der Nuklearunfall von Palomares mit des Strategic Air Command der US Air Force am 17. Januar 1966 bei Palomares:
haben Spanien versprochen die mit verseuchte Erde in Nevada endzulagern. Das Versprechen wurde bis heute nicht eingehalten. Die spanische Regierung hat die USA jetzt noch einmal an die Erledigung erinnert

#plutonium #usa #atomwaffen

Last updated 2 years ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
141 followers · 635 posts · Server

International Organization for Standardization (1947) was established.

was first produced and isolated by Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg (1941).

Birth Anniversary of Victor Fleming (1889). His most popular films were The Wizard of Oz (1939), and Gone with the Wind (1939), for which he won an Academy Award for Best Director.

#director #Film #plutonium #onthisday

Last updated 2 years ago

Manni_P :mastolove: · @Lost_Paradise
113 followers · 1606 posts · Server
Forum Erneuerbare Energie · @k4x
123 followers · 1025 posts · Server