Pluto Return - Insert your Civilization here 🔥 #astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #memes #astrologymemes #ageofaquarius #plutoreturn #luciferianastrology #luciferian
#astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #memes #astrologymemes #ageofaquarius #plutoreturn #luciferianastrology #luciferian
Pluto Return - Insert your Civilization here 🔥 #astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #memes #astrologymemes #ageofaquarius #plutoreturn
#plutoreturn #ageofaquarius #astrologymemes #memes #jyotish #VedicAstrology #astrology #astrologersofmastodon #astrologers
Pluto in Capricorn - January 2008 through November 2024. It's been one hellova ride, and it's not quite over yet. #astrology #plutoreturn
USA v 2.0 #plutoreturn is having a BIG DAY!
plus SATURN PLUTO 2020 STRIKES again - change in world power/structure
what a day!
also OKs guilty, Meadows to testify
USA MOON ✨ an excellent day for WE THE PPL all the way back to 1776 to present
From January 2022.
Remember how the HAGUE kept coming up so strongly then?
Rewatching this IMHO this reading THEN was the basis, the ground work, for the eventual referral to SC Jack Smith :)
Today is a major eclipse click from new moon solar eclipse 10/25.
Its going to put final touches on what's being unearthed & hold on WEDNESDAY #plutoreturn strikes again.
Please listen, follow and share! Astrology pro and top-tier human Jessica Lanyadoo and I go deep on unearthing all the sins of the US Empire as we discuss the Pluto Return currently underway.
#astrology #podcast #Pluto #plutoreturn #zodiac #witch #witchesofmastodon
#astrology #Podcast #Pluto #plutoreturn #zodiac #witch #witchesofmastodon