Wondering whether that yellow crescent of PM2.5 sensors in Eastern Europe and Turkey is a cloud of North American smoke.
#Airquality #PM2.5
Global News BC: Thick smoke sinks into Okanagan; air quality ranked among worst in the world https://globalnews.ca/news/9878370/thick-smoke-okanagan-b-c-interior-low-air-quality/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCMinistryofEnvironmentandClimateChangeStrategy #okanaganairquality #PM2.5concentration #M2.5concentration #centralokanagan #NorthOkanagan #southokanagan #WildfireSmoke #BCairquality #bcsmoke #Kelowna #Fire #AQHI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcministryofenvironmentandclimatechangestrategy #okanaganairquality #pm2 #m2 #centralokanagan #NorthOkanagan #southokanagan #wildfiresmoke #bcairquality #bcsmoke #kelowna #fire #aqhi
【#マドンナ の曲を聴くと#ご乱心 】どの曲かは明朝のインスタ見てね😘#洋楽好きと繋がりたい #マドンナ大好き #猫のいる暮らし #エジプシャンマウ #猫 #ねこ #madonna #shorts https://www.moepets.com/457478/ #cat #neko #PM2.5 #エジプシャン・マウ #コロナ #フェレット #ホリスティック #マスク #大気汚染 #犬 #猫 #獣医 #黄砂
#マドンナ #ご乱心 #洋楽好きと繋がりたい #マドンナ大好き #猫のいる暮らし #エジプシャンマウ #猫 #ねこ #madonna #shorts #cat #neko #pm2 #エジプシャン・マウ #コロナ #フェレット #ホリスティック #マスク #大気汚染 #犬 #獣医 #黄砂
#cough cough #airquality #wildfires near NYC. Normal is usually 5-15.
#airmon #pm10 #pm2 #wildfires #airquality #cough
Hackaday Links: July 9, 2023 - Good news this week from Mars, where Ingenuity finally managed to check in with it... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/09/hackaday-links-july-9-2023/ #extraterrestrial #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #interstellar #parkingbrake #perseverance #retrogaming #helicopter #commodore #demoscene #fireworks #ingenuity #pollution #spherule #slider #cinema #jezero #recall #pm2.5 #rover #sx-64 #ford #mars #dlp #et
#et #dlp #mars #ford #sx #rover #pm2 #recall #jezero #cinema #slider #spherule #pollution #ingenuity #fireworks #demoscene #commodore #helicopter #retrogaming #perseverance #parkingbrake #interstellar #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #extraterrestrial
I have had a #CorsiRosenthal box running for 24 hours. I moved the #PM2.5 sensor to an adjacent room from the #CRBox to see how well it can clean a room across the hall.
The low point on the graph is about 8 PPM and this is when the box moved to the bedroom. There was a fairly quick rise in one hour to about 12 ppm and then it slowly built to about 15 or 16 ppm over night.
After the moving the box back downstairs into an adjacent room, the level dropped to 10 ppm in less than an hour.
It seems that a CRBox does a decent job cleaning adjacent rooms.
Looking for production process monitoring for #Deno ? I'm currently experimenting with #pm2 - a production process manager originally written for node.
pm2 start server.ts --interpreter="deno" --interpreter-args="run --allow-net --allow-write --allow-read" --watch -- arg1
The above works great with Deno as well. (so far)
The Tyee: How to Clear Our Minds of ‘Brain Smoke’ https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/06/12/Clear-Minds-Brain-Smoke/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #USCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention #chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease #highefficiencyparticulateair #NewYorkCitywildfiresmoke #Corsi-Rosenthalboxes #displacementactivity #FireSmartguidelines #HEPApurifiers #wildfirerisks ##ClimateScam #PM2.5
#BCNews #TheTyee #uscentersfordiseasecontrolandprevention #chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease #highefficiencyparticulateair #newyorkcitywildfiresmoke #corsi #displacementactivity #firesmartguidelines #hepapurifiers #wildfirerisks #climatescam #pm2
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/air-pollution-wildfire-smoke-study-1.6827067 “For every 10 micrograms more of #PM2.5 — the primary particle in B.C.'s wildfire smoke — in one metre cube of air, a person's combined odds of experiencing at least one of four heart issues was 5.5 per cent greater, a study published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found.”
This year’s “haze season” in Thailand saw 2.4 million people visiting hospitals for health problems linked to air pollution.
#Environment #worldnews #pollution #Thailand #PM2.5
#environment #worldnews #pollution #thailand #pm2
Online today!
Lung cancer cells exposed to #PM2.5 for 90 days were used as a model of the effects of long-term exposure to PM2.5 on #LungCancer. In mice, tumor progression was enhanced by long-term exposure to PM2.5. The molecular mechanism identified may include (i) activation of #EGFR signaling & (ii) activation of AhR to upregulate TMPRSS2, which in turn upregulates its downstream targets, such as #IL18.
By PC Yang, CY Chen & colleagues, Taiwan
In a world first study of daily ambient fine #ParticulateMatter (#PM2.5) across the globe, a #MonashUniversity study has found that only 0.18% of the global land area and 0.001% of the global population are exposed to levels of PM2.5 - the world’s leading #environmental #health risk factor – below levels of safety recommended by World Health Organization (@WHO ).”
#particulatematter #pm2 #monashuniversity #environmental #health
In a world-first study of daily ambient fine particulate matter ( #PM2.5 ) across the globe, a Monash University study has found that only 0.18% of the global land area and 0.001% of the global population are exposed to levels of PM2.5—the world's leading environmental health risk factor—below levels of safety recommended by World Health Organization ( #WHO ).
"An Unexpected Reason It'll Be Harder to Breathe as Earth Warms" https://gizmodo.com/an-unexpected-reason-itll-be-harder-to-breathe-as-earth-1850173753 #PM2.5
'Smoke from domestic closed #woodburning stoves & open fires responsible for 25% of UK #PM2.5 emissions - almost 2x that of road transport - and is linked to serious health effects, particularly for the young, elderly, & those with respiratory problems'.
If I spend one more hour trying to get #n8n to work on #Cloudways, I may loose my marbles. Or learn something new. Trying to make it all work through #pm2 🤞
I find #airquality readings fascinating
#co2 #voc #pm2.5
You can see we cook with a gas stove around 1800
"#China is a nighttime "hot-spot" for the production of nitrate radicals (PNO3) that could have a major impact on health-threatening #ozone and fine particulates ( #PM2.5 ) in the atmosphere, a new study reveals.
The country has experienced a rapid increase in nocturnal production of #NO3, while Europe and the U.S. experienced a decline. Experts believe that this increase will have significant air #pollution implications for China and other developing countries cont.."
#china #ozone #pm2 #no3 #pollution