Anyone else run their own #email server? I find that over the last few months I have received a TON (20week) of gmail spam. I know it's not forged as I read the headers & dkim/spf look good. Gmail "from/reply-to" coming from gmail ips, gmail servers, etc. I even get it on #ipv6. My solution has been to throw anything from #gmail into the quarantine bin, except for anyone who has emailed me from there in the last 3 years (These addresses are whitelisted). Seems to work fairly well.
Thanks much to #pmg #proxmox mail gateway
#email #ipv6 #gmail #pmg #proxmox
RT @JusoSchweiz
Mit dem #PMG wären die 30'000 Teilnehmenden des heutigen #StrikeForFuture alle potentielle Gefährder*innen. Das ist absurd! #srfarena @klimastreik
#pmg #strikeforfuture #srfarena