The panel recommended reviewing the adequacy of the current cost norms and increase the cost norm for the plains based on a third-party evaluation conducted by the NITI Aayog under the Watershed Development Component (WDC) of the flagship Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana (PMKSY)
#ParlPanelFlags #Norms #Matching #WDC #PMKSY #ProjectQuality
#parlpanelflags #norms #matching #wdc #pmksy #projectquality
Irrigation scheme unravels in Jharkhand: Aadhaar misused, funds claimed, farmers clueless
Of 94 beneficiaries tracked by The Indian Express, just 17 were using per drop-more crop, minister says will act.
#jharkhand #PMKSY #farmers #water #aadhaar #scam #UnionGovt #india
#jharkhand #pmksy #farmers #water #aadhaar #Scam #uniongovt #india