I wanted to migrate UNVT’s vector tiles style to other map styles. Thus, I established a workflow to generate OpenMapTiles #pmtiles by using tilemaker. I think it looks much better than UNVT.
Rwanda water map:
pmtiles repo:
Slides and links from the #FOSS4G2023 talk about Self-hosted CMS maps with #WordPress #MapLibre and #PMTiles are available at https://blog.sourcepole.ch/2023/07/04/foss4g-2023-prizren/#self-hosted-cms-maps-for-everyone
#foss4g2023 #wordpress #maplibre #pmtiles
Links und Folien zu den #FOSSGIS2023 Vorträgen von Sourcepole sind online: https://blog.sourcepole.ch/2023/03/16/fossgis-2023/
#fossgis #qwc2 #copc #zarr #pmtiles #workflows #windmill
#fossgis2023 #fossgis #QWC2 #copc #zarr #pmtiles #workflows #windmill
🗺Long overdue… with #MBTiles and #PMTiles and multi-PostgreSQL support… and tons of other goodies… MapLibre/Martin 0.7 is finally out.
@maplibre https://github.com/maplibre/martin/releases/tag/v0.7.0