Modeling tools in our area are largely closed-source and massively expensive, and are a gigantic entry barrier for new people, especially in low and middle-income countries (and borderline unaffordable even for CROs like mine). #nlmixr2 is intended to be a solution to this problem. I also maintain the #pmxTools package, which provides a handy set of general #PMx functions.
#introduction time! I’m Justin Wilkins, a #pharmacometrics consultant living in Germany. I work for a small CRO called Occams and I post occasionally about #healthscience, modeling and simulation, #rstats and the current wretched state of British politics. I’m a co-developer of the nonlinear mixed-effects model fitting package #nlmixr2 in R, as well as the #pmxTools package.
#introduction #pharmacometrics #healthscience #rstats #nlmixr2 #pmxTools