Tired of these studies overstating the results by confusing #correlation and #causation. A recent #PNAS paper (co-authored by D. Kahneman!) starts with the question "can money buy happiness?"... and does no offer any evidence of a #causal relationship https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2023/08/01/studying-average-associations-between-income-and-survey-responses-on-happiness-be-careful-about-deterministic-and-causal-interpretations-that-are-not-supported-by-these-data/ #stats #statistics #correlationisnotcausation
#statistics #correlation #causation #pnas #causal #stats #correlationisnotcausation
Tired of these studies overstating the results by confusing #correlation and #causation. A recent #PNAS paper (co-authored by D. Kahneman!) starts with the question "can money buy happiness?"... and do no offer any evidence of a #causal relationship https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2023/08/01/studying-average-associations-between-income-and-survey-responses-on-happiness-be-careful-about-deterministic-and-causal-interpretations-that-are-not-supported-by-these-data/ #stats #statistics #correlationisnotcausation
#correlation #stats #statistics #causation #pnas #causal #correlationisnotcausation
by #MatthewRozsa in #Salon:
"By the late 21st century, the PNAS authors contend, approximately one-fifth of the species will endure [compound drought and heatwaves] roughly twice a year, each one lasting approximately 25 days, with all of the wildfires and blistering, scorching heat they entail."
#EcosystemCollapse #ecosystem #drought #HeatWave #GlobalWarming #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #climate #environment #CDHW #PNAS
#matthewrozsa #salon #ecosystemcollapse #ecosystem #drought #heatwave #globalwarming #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #ClimateChange #climate #environment #cdhw #pnas
First model of chemical gardens built around material aging and stochastic factors. Read our new paper in #PNAS by Bruno Batista and Amari Morris.
#simulation #chemobrionics #chemistry #pnas
"Climate change will accelerate the high-end risk of compound drought and heatwave events" | New #PNAS article by K.P. Tripathy, S. Mukherjee, A. Mishra, P. Williams & yours truly:
Cool paper out in #PNAS by my good friend and colleague Mick Griffiths.
(My son still has a cup of sharkteeth from the Jersey Shore Mick gave him :) )
#Megalodon #sharks were Hot-Blooded
(no really) making them more vulnerable to extinction than other sharks ~3.6 Million Years ago.
Una AI sta traducendo tavolette d’argilla cuneiformi dell’antica Mesopotamia
Un team di archeologi e #informatici ha creato un #programma di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI) in grado di tradurre istantaneamente antiche #tavolette #cuneiformi utilizzando l’apprendimento automatico neurale.
In un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista #PNAS #Nexus, della Oxford University Press, i #ricercatori hanno #applicato il programma AI per tradurre #testi accadici con un alto livello di accuratezza.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity #online
#informatici #programma #intelligenza #artificiale #ai #tavolette #cuneiformi #pnas #nexus #ricercatori #applicato #testi #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity #online
Fewer #Black Men Than Women Vote #Democrat And A #PNAS Paper Suggests That May Be Because They're In #Jail
A very nice discovery about #Dengue in #Argentina, #CONICET
They explain why serotype 2, whose NS5 protein contains one specific amino acid, is more lethal.
Waiting for the publication in #PNAS
In Spanish:
#dengue #argentina #conicet #pnas
Disparition de 800 millions d’oiseaux en 40 ans, le CNRS pointe le #rôle des #pesticides et des #engrais | Portail Réussir https://www.reussir.fr/disparition-de-800-millions-doiseaux-en-40-ans-le-cnrs-pointe-le-role-des-pesticides-et-des-engrais
>20 millions d’ #oiseaux disparaissent chaque année en Europe, selon une #étude étayée du #CNRS publiée le 15 mai dans la revue #PNAS, qui pointe l' #évolution des pratiques #agricoles comme principale cause. ...
#agricoles #evolution #pnas #cnrs #etude #oiseaux #engrais #pesticides #role
Disparition de 800 millions d’oiseaux en 40 ans, le CNRS pointe le #rôle des #pesticides et des #engrais | Portail Réussir https://www.reussir.fr/disparition-de-800-millions-doiseaux-en-40-ans-le-cnrs-pointe-le-role-des-pesticides-et-des-engrais
>20 millions d’ #oiseaux disparaissent chaque année en Europe, selon une #étude étayée du #CNRS publiée le 15 mai dans la revue #PNAS, qui pointe l' #évolution des pratiques #agricoles comme principale cause. ...
#agricoles #evolution #pnas #cnrs #etude #oiseaux #engrais #pesticides #role
”Participants who took the Quiz reported significantly less confidence in their ability to identify false information online; however, those who took the Quiz significantly outperformed the control participants on accurately identifying Twitter profiles’ authenticity.”
#disinformation #MDM #coordinatedInauthenticBehavior #research #PNAS #activeInoculation
#activeinoculation #pnas #Research #coordinatedinauthenticbehavior #mdm #Disinformation
Beetles drink through their derrières! Soak up the all the dirty details at dougzone22.ca!
Anna Lea Albright & Peter Huybers: #Impressionism and air pollution
"The #art of impressionists Claude Monet and J.M.W. Turner in the late 19th and early 20th centuries shows undefined shapes and hazy color palettes. But the artists may have been influenced by more than just the impressionist and romanticist styles followed by the artists of the time. Both painters worked in London during the Industrial Revolution, when the skies began to fill with air pollution. In a recent #PNAS study, Anna Lea Albright of the Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology in Paris and Peter Huybers of Harvard University analyzed the evolution of Monet’s and Turner’s styles and correlated them with what’s known about air quality at that time. The results suggest that the style of these paintings captured trends in air pollution."
#airpollution #industrialrevolution #claudemonet #jmwturner
#impressionism #art #pnas #airpollution #industrialrevolution #claudemonet #jmwturner
How exactly does #pressure influence the critical temperature in cuprates? "#Superconductivity Experiments Confirm an Important Mechanism for Increasing the Maximum Critical Temperature in #Cuprates": https://doi.org/10.56537/new-ground.2023.97097 - Gianina Buda wrote a thorough summary of a #PNAS paper on YBa2Cu3O6+y (#YBCO) authored by Jürgen Haase, Michael Jurkutat and others @unileipzig
#ybco #pnas #cuprates #superconductivity #pressure
This is an excellent post on the problems with "good" journals:
Moin Syed, PNAS is Not a Good Journal (and Other Hard Truths about Journal Prestige), 10 March 2023
It also has one of the best conflict-of-interest statements I've seen: "I made a bet ($5.00) with Ira Hyman in 2019 that the journal impact factor would no longer be used within five years, and thus I have financial motivation to write negatively about impact factors."
#scholarlycommunications #jif #pnas
“Data-driven predictions of the time remaining until critical global warming thresholds are reached”
A #PNAS study using #machinelearning to predict time remaining until the UN Paris Agreement targets will be reached: findings suggest the world is already experiencing the impacts of 1.1°C to 1.2°C #warming.
It also finds that passing 1.5°C or 2°C above preindustrial levels could dramatically increase climate event risks to society and ecosystems.
#pnas #machinelearning #warming
RT @GutfreundS
Our brand new paper in #PNAS - "Spatial coding in the hippocampus and hyperpallium of flying owls", provides unique comparative and evolutionary insights into the coding of space across birds and mammals!
@AyeletSarel @derdikman @GutfreundYoram
Physiker:innen der #UniLeipzig ist ein tieferer Einblick in den Mechanismus von Supraleitern gelungen. Damit kommen sie dem Ziel näher, Grundlagen für eine Theorie für #Supraleiter zu entwickeln, die #Strom ohne Widerstand fließen lassen. https://www.uni-leipzig.de/newsdetail/artikel/einblick-in-mechanismus-von-supraleitern-vertieft-2023-01-17
#Physik #PNAS
#unileipzig #supraleiter #strom #physik #pnas
Hands-up whose heard of the #HygieneHypothesis ?
This #PNAS piece suggests that the concept needs to be radically revised in the public consciousness as it's misleadingly named:
"Various research teams have proposed alternate names: microbiome depletion hypothesis, the microbial diversity hypothesis, and, of course, the old friends hypothesis."