2/2 If you have #PND please seek help.
In the UK talk to your midwife or health visitor and make an appointment with your GP. There is most likely help available in your area.
If that is too much, please look at https://apni.org/ who helped me so much after the birth of my first child. I cannot explain the relief of being able to talk to someone who had been in my position and got better!
Feel free to add toots with helpful links for to places in your country too!
Postnatal depression is surging, and it’s still misunderstood | The Independent
#postnataldepression #motherandbabyunits #suicide #mentalhealth #mh #pnd
“Vamos colocar US$ 1,6 bilhão por ano no agro”, diz a presidente da Corteva
#pnd #corteva #anaclaudiacerasoli #agropecuaria #forbesagro
En af årsagerne til at en kryptovaluta kan “pumpe” er, at når der lige pludselig kommer stor handelsvolume på en given kryptovaluta, så vækker det interesse hos andre spekulanter, som vil forsøge at ride med på bølgen.
Det kan også hjælpes på vej af handelsbots, som opfanger at noget er under opsejling.
Pump and Dump er ikke et specielt positivt ord, men kan bruges til at beskrive mange af de obskure kryptovalutaer der findes 📉
#web3 #abc #kryptovaluta #kryptodk #pnd
#Elezioni #Gibuti
Risultati definitivi:
Affluenza: 75,9% (+7,6 rispetto al 2018)
#UMP (#RPP-#FRUD-#PND-#PSD-#UPR)|Sinistra: 58 seggi (+1)
#UDJ-#PPD|Anti-Guelleh: 7 (+2)
Totale seggi: 65
Maggioranza: 33
Attuale governo (UMP): 58 (✅Maggioranza mantenuta✅)
#elezioni #gibuti #ump #rpp #frud #pnd #psd #upr #udj #ppd
Bewerbungsfrist verlängert!
Das tolle GeN-Team
sucht Verstärkung im Bereich Medizin #Biopolitik, #PND #Reprotech #feminismus
#biopolitik #pnd #reprotech #feminismus
@lauratingleshandbag @cgbrooding @simid @librarianknight @actuallyautistic
I've wondered this too. I have 4 children, was diagnosed with post natal depression after the first one but I found the period after all of their births very hard. I now think it was more #ASD than #PND
I had all 4 before knowing I am ASD.
RT @MarcoslBraga@twitter.com
Muito orgulho de pertencer ao seleto rol dos 3% dos brasileiros que tentaram eleger um projeto, o #PND através de @cirogomes@twitter.com.
Quanto mais o tempo passa, mais as palavras dele vão sendo confirmadas, o cara não errou nem uma até agora!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarcoslBraga/status/1604114918080479233