@cmdrmoto @rkofman @mekkaokereke
đź‘Ť I had that same link copied and ready to post here, lol. Its a great explanation of how condensing clothes driers work by #pnnl #doe #energyefficiency
Tech Moves: Convoy vet joins Xembly; Seattle climate firm hires Goldman Sachs exec; and more - Ziad Ismail. (Xembly Photo)
— Ziad Ismail is now chief operating officer of Xem... - https://www.geekwire.com/2023/tech-moves-convoy-vet-joins-xembly-seattle-climate-firm-hires-goldman-sachs-exec-and-more/ #earthfinance #ziadismail #techmoves #jensullo #robwilk #banzai #xembly #pnnl
#pnnl #xembly #banzai #robwilk #jensullo #techmoves #ziadismail #earthfinance
Interesting #energyStorage comparison comparison from #PNNL dot gov.
Compares varying storage technology costs, across size and offload duration.
#EnergyStorage #pnnl #greenenergy
New paper with colleagues from #UVA #PNNL & #ClimateWorks on:
Diverse carbon dioxide removal approaches could reduce impacts on the energy–water–land system
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is a critical tool in all plans to limit warming to below 1.5 °C, and a more diverse set of CDR approaches could have important benefits and costs for energy–water–land systems. New study uses an integrated assessment model to assess a complete suite of CDR approaches including bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, afforestation, direct air capture with carbon storage, enhanced weathering, biochar and direct ocean capture with carbon storage. Total removals reach approximately 10 billion tons CO2 per year globally, largely to offset residual CO2 and non-CO2 emissions, which remain costly to avoid even under scenarios specifically designed to reduce them.
#ClimateChange #CO2 removal
#uva #pnnl #climateworks #ClimateChange #co2
Researchers find new upcycling technique to transform plastics into fuel - (Photo courtesy of Melanie Hess-Robinson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)... - https://www.geekwire.com/2023/researchers-find-new-upcycling-technique-to-transform-plastics-into-fuel/ #sustainability #impactseries #plastic #pnnl
#pnnl #plastic #impactseries #sustainability
Machine learning and #AI could help electrical grid operators keep the lights on-- as long as the operators trust them. Human factors researchers at #PNNL are working on improving these tools and increasing user acceptance. https://deixismagazine.org/2023/01/the-human-factor/ #HPC #energy
Dal #PNNL il generatore di energia marina che indossa la pelliccia https://www.rinnovabili.it/energia/moto-marino/pnnl-generatore-di-energia-marina/
One of the perks of being at a #DOE National lab is the ability to work in big collaborative projects! This week I represented #PNNL as part of a larger team to help build benchmarks of #deeplearning models in #cancer, with the goal of getting it to run on #aurora, an Exascale computer that’s currently coming online at #argonnenationallaboratory. Suffice to say, it was pretty exciting!
#argonnenationallaboratory #aurora #cancer #deeplearning #pnnl #doe
On Wednesday afternoon, I also have a poster on "Impacts of Urbanization and Lake Michigan on Chicago’s Heat Stress and its Disparities" in the "Extreme Weather and Climate in Urban Areas, Their Social Impacts, and Mitigation" session: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Session/156695
This works is directly related to my current project at #PNNL and examines the impact of urbanization & #LakeMichigan on #heatstress, its #extremes, and #disparities over #Chicago.
Preprint here: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1818535/v1
#chicago #disparities #extremes #HeatStress #lakemichigan #pnnl
Our #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator for this week is #LindseyAnderson from #pnnl our Early Adopter curator for #Omics. She's updated dozens of records, is a true #FAIR ambassador & is active in #RDA. More at https://fairsharing.org/community_curation/our_curators https://blog.fairsharing.org/?p=261 Thank you Lindsey!
This programme is run with the support of the #RDA / #EOSCfuture Domain Ambassador Programme, of which @allysonlister is a part.
#EOSCFuture #rda #fair #omics #pnnl #lindseyanderson #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
Boosting this post by @khm reaching out to software engineers and Linux Ops experts if they might be interested in a good and stable job at PNNL.
#pnnl #softwareengineer #Hiring #Linux