y'a trop de gestionnaires de paquet, je vais en faire un pour tous les maîtriser.
ainsi naquit #Ni pour gérer #yarn, #pnpm, #npm, et #bun.
#xkcd serait fier de ça.
#shrawberry #nightswhosayni
#ni #yarn #pnpm #npm #bun #xkcd #shrawberry #nightswhosayni
I opened an "old" project that was using #Yarn (classic) as package manager, with the aim of updating a couple of dependencies.
It turns out that Yarn "decided" to jump straight ahead to its newest version (Berry 3.6.1) without asking.
It broke my flow: it's unable to interpret a POSIX shell `if` inside a command of the `scripts` section.
It was easy to fix, but certainly quite annoying.
I was considering switching to #PNPM, now I'll do that for sure.
Just lost a whole night of productivity trying to bump *one* dependency exactly *one* version.
2 hours later I've done at least 3 bisecting operations on 3 different repos, can't get #pnpm to install the same thing twice, and still haven't got the lockfile updated to the latest version.
This isn't entirely the fault of #NPM / pnpm. But I manage dependencies very precisely and deliberately with a reproducible build system using pinned dependencies. If I'm having this much trouble with it, I don't know how typical web devs can manage at all.
@miladiir I just tested #pnpm to see if it would make my `node_modules` smaller.
Before, with Yarn, the size was 958M.
After, pnpm, the size was 923M.
The number of installed versions of Bluebird dropped from 8 to 3, so it did flatten that dep. 👍
The 3% savings isn't necessarily compelling enough on its own to switch, though.
It's 35k lines long!!! We *just* started moving old packages into the monorepo a few months ago, it's going to get MUCH BIGGER.
#monorepo is an #AntiPattern
#pnpm #programming #webdev #AntiPattern #monorepo
Somehow, every #packageManager that tries to replace #NPM is worse than the last.
I can't even open #PNPM's package_lock.json in my company's #monorepo because #VSCode runs out of memory trying to display a changeset.
I don't even WANT a fucking package_lock!!!
#yarn #javascript #nodejs #vscode #monorepo #pnpm #npm #packagemanager
Manage multiple Node.js versions with pnpm env ➡️ https://bordeauxcoders.com/manage-multiple-nodejs-versions
#pnpm #nodejs
Manage multiple Node.js versions with pnpm env ➡️ https://bordeauxcoders.com/manage-multiple-nodejs-versions
#pnpm #nodejs
I'm thinking about how I could a good #cli for #hsml
I may orientate on existing CLIs like #Rust, #deno or #pnpm
so e.g.
hsml compile # compiles all .hsml files to .html inside current folder and recursive below
hsml compile ./example.hsml # just compiles the given file
hsml fmt # formats
hsml fmt # just formats given file
hsml parse ./example.hsml # parses the given file and std::out as json AST
But I'm not sure if this fulfills all need or if I need to change something
I just blogged about #pnpm dlx ➡️
I just blogged about #pnpm dlx ➡️
People who are working with #npm #monorepo's, if I have a package (eslint config) in the monorepo that is used as `devDependency` in other package from the same repo, and that other package is going to be published. Does this `devDependency` has to be published too? Or can it stay private? I really don't see sense publishing it, but also couldn't find information whether npm cares about devDeps...
Also tagging #nx #lerna #turborepo #pnpm #javascript, in case you guys maybe know the answer.
#nx #JavaScript #pnpm #turborepo #lerna #monorepo #npm
“Flat node_modules is not the only way” by @zkochan
[How pnpm manages node_modules]
#NodeJS #npm #pnpm
#Storybook 7.0 has been officially released, with an obligitory hype video: https://youtu.be/UF3d34a6kqg
Read the announcement for the deets on all the goodies like:
- First-class @vite support
- Zero-config Sveltekit
- Zero-config Next.js
- Improved #TypeScript type safety
- Full #pnpm support
📢 Da hat sich einiges an Themen angesammelt, die wir besprechen müssen. Mit dabei unser geliebtes MS Teams, #zsh, #pnpm, #java 20, #chezmoi, #fdroid und #inkbook. 🤯
🛠️ Thematisch machen wir einen deep dive zum Thema #javascript build tools.
🦸♀️Im Konsum besprechen wir dann mal noch fix die ersten drei Phasen des MCU (und das ist der kurze Teil der Folge).
🎉 Ach, und wir haben einen Rabattcode für die #enterJS (auch in den Shownotes)
https://ready-for-review.dev/2023/04/12/rfr045-engelsklang-und-teufelszeug/ 😇😈
#zsh #pnpm #java #chezmoi #fdroid #inkbook #javascript #enterJS
pnpm v8.1.0
#ES_Next_News #ECMAScript #JavaScript #pnpm
#es_next_news #ecmascript #javascript #pnpm
#TIL that you can run `npm version patch` to do a patch (minor, major etc) version update to update your package.json file and create a new git tag. Very cool.
#javascript #typescript #opensource #foss #fosstodon #npm #git #github #pnpm
#TIL #javascript #typescript #opensource #foss #fosstodon #npm #git #github #pnpm
So far I've used good ol' #NPM for all my JS/TS projects. Lately I've been eying #PNPM, mostly because installs are much faster, although the disk space savings are nice too.
However, I am not 100% convinced that it's the best decision as it's yet another thing that the whole team has to install. One more barrier before you can get the code up and running as a new dev on the team.
Is it worth it? I'm 50/50, can't really decide.