So, I'm not going to be able to see #Threads, because it's apparently app-only, and I don't do mobile apps. [1]
But apparently, Elon Musk is threatening to sue #Facebook because it "#poached #Twitter #employees" and had them create this Twitter-alike.
I don't think Facebook had to poach anyone! Musk himself personally sent 80% of his workforce out into the street to find employment elsewhere...
Remember, you can't spell "#muskmelon" without Elon Musk.
[1] Ask why...
#threads #facebook #poached #twitter #employees #muskmelon #stupidity #ElonMusk
Order your eggs just like you like them in Hebrew!
#israelibreakfast #israelifood #israelibreakfast🇮🇱 #hebrewbyinbal #israelibrunch #israelifoodie #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #eggsup #scrambled #sunnysideup #poached #mastodon #fediverse #food #eggs #breakfast #mazeldon
#eggstyle #hebrewcooking #learnhebrew #hebrewfood #hebrewvocabulary #languagelearning #hebrewlessons #israelieggs #israelibreakfast #israelifood #hebrewbyinbal #israelibrunch #israelifoodie #hebrew #jewish #eggsup #scrambled #sunnysideup #poached #mastodon #fediverse #food #eggs #breakfast #mazeldon
Good #News! 2022 was the 1st time in 45 years that NO #rhinos were #poached in #Assam #India. Here is the bad news: #Assam is increasingly under threat by #palmoil #deforestation.
#Indians help the #rhino, #leopard, #tiger #Assam pygmy hog and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket each time you shop! Story via Hindustan Times
#news #rhinos #poached #assam #India #palmoil #deforestation #indians #rhino #leopard #tiger #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
#Rhino population declines in Kruger National Park.
“The 2021/2022 Report confirms that 195 rhinos were #poached in the #Kruger National Park in 2021…”
Some good news though:
“No rhinos have been lost in other SANParks-operated parks… (t)hese rhino populations have increased by 6.2%…”
#rhino #poached #Kruger #conservation
Rukmini Iyer’s honey and muscat poached peaches with easy almond pastries | Feasting with Ocado | The Guardian #rukmini #iyers #honey #muscat #poached #peaches #with #easy #almond #pastries #feasting #ocado #guardian #18giugno
#18giugno #guardian #Ocado #feasting #pastries #almond #easy #with #peaches #poached #muscat #honey #iyers #rukmini