Beth sydd ymlaen yn #Cwmderi?! Jyst wedi gorffen gwylio #PobolYCwm ar catch up. Fydd unrhwyn ar ôl yn y pentre? 😮
Roedd yr iPlayer ddim yn jocio pan gofynodd os ro'n i am i tro ymlaen y PGLock cyn gnes i gwylio #PobolYCwm o neithiwr. Blimey. Shallow Grave, neu beth?
@JonS Dw i'n cytuno'n llwyr. A roedd y golygfa yn y siop lyfrau yn od iawn - roedden nhw'n edrych yn y lyfrau Cymraeg am sbel hir cyn iddi hi ofyn am lyfrau Saesneg
It even looked as though she had broken the spine on this book - I was expecting Sion to demand that she bought it after damaging it, but then it turned out that she couldn't even understand what she was pretending to read! Very poor script, acting and directing #PobolYCwm
Newydd dal ymlaen a Pobol y Cwm o neithiwr. Dwi'n sori, ond y Saeson o Sutton Coldfield. Rili? Oeddynt ceisio gwneud pwynt, dwi'n siwr, ond gnaeth hi'n dod ar draws jyst yn wan, poorly acted, a bron yn hiliol hefyd. #PobolYCwm #S4C
Roedd #PobolYCwm braidd yn intense heddiw!
#PobolYCwm was rather intense this evening!
Mwynheais i #PobolYCwm Nadolig yn fwy nag arfer eleni. Dw i'n gobeithio bydd Iolo byth yn maddau Eifion. Tybed fydd Iolo a Tyler yn mynd yn ôl i gilydd nawr.
I enjoyed the #PobolYCwm Christmas special more than usual this year (some years it has been terrible) I hope that Iolo never forgives Eifion. I wonder if Iolo and Tyler will get back together now.
@anniemo71 When I first started watching programmes other than #PobolYCwm on S4C one of the first dramas I really got into was #CaraFi. l loved it so much I recorded the audio of each episode so that I could listen to it in bed when I can't get to sleep. It's one of my favourite programmes to listen to when I'm stressed, and there is the added bonus that each time I listen I feel that I am understanding a little more of the dialogue than I could previously.
I've been taking a bit of an unintentional break from #languagelearning recently, due to a lack of motivation... but late last night I was struck with inspiration and burned through a whole chapter of my #Welsh textbook. 🥰 🏴 ...and I've managed a little bit more today, too, after taking a quick break to catch up on #PobolYCwm, which I'm still obsessed with. 😅 So it's been quite a #Cymraeg-filled weekend, all told!
#cymraeg #pobolycwm #welsh #languagelearning
Well what am I doing since I can't sleep? Well watching the #pobolycwm omnibus of course
Chilling am #tafwyl ddoe gyda y #pobolycwm bechgyn!! Chilling with the Pobol Y Cwm boys at Tafwyl yesterday #S4C 🎸🍺🏴👍