#PoC Exploit for CVE-2023-27524 in Apache Superset Leads to #RCE Released
#PoC Exploit for CVE-2023-27524 in Apache Superset Leads to #RCE Released
SecurityOnline: PoC Exploit for CVE-2023-27524 in Apache Superset Leads to RCE Released https://securityonline.info/poc-exploit-for-cve-2023-27524-in-apache-superset-leads-to-rce-released/ #ApacheSuperset #CVE-2023-27524 #Vulnerability #PoC
#apachesuperset #cve #vulnerability #poc
There's a #Republican master plan for America, and it isn't pretty, especially for #LGTBQ+ people, but also for all #POC people of color, #women, and anyone who wants the clean air and water many of us have enjoyed for 50+ years to persist. https://www.damemagazine.com/2023/08/14/the-gop-has-a-master-plan-to-criminalize-being-trans/
#women #poc #lgtbq #republican
Гульнур Хусаинова о коротком освобождении Азата Мифтахова: https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=1HPMdJO69CQ ⦾ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HPMdJO69CQ (15 мин) #AzatMiftakhov #AzatMiftaxov #prisonersofconscience #POC #anarchistsinprison #politicalrepression #kingdomoftheFSB #anarchaqueer #anarchoqueer #queerprisoners #Rzvrt
【 майский тред М. Лобанова: https://nitter.poast.org/muzh_Zapolskoy/status/1663849674283810816 】
#azatmiftakhov #azatmiftaxov #prisonersofconscience #poc #anarchistsinprison #politicalrepression #kingdomofthefsb #anarchaqueer #anarchoqueer #queerprisoners #rzvrt
Die #GrüneJugend und die #JUSOS verurteilen die „#Hetzkampagne“ gegen die #LWL-#Ausstellung „Das ist kolonial“ auf der Zeche Zollern in #Dortmund scharf. #nonazisdo #BIPoC #POC #Rassismus #Kolonialismus #Politik #Erinnerungsarbeit #Antifaschismus
#grunejugend #jusos #hetzkampagne #lwl #ausstellung #dortmund #nonazisdo #bipoc #poc #rassismus #kolonialismus #politik #Erinnerungsarbeit #antifaschismus
@piratenpartei Auf den ersten Blick lustig, aber: #CumEx, #Wirecard, #Brechmittelfolter an #PoC bis zum Tod - passt nicht so wirklich zu den #Piraten.
#cumex #WireCard #brechmittelfolter #poc #piraten
Photographic Harmoney | Vol. 2
It’s not often I get to work with someone like Harmoney, who I have complete creative synergy with and who puts their trust in me to capture images that perfectly encapsulate their energy. Well guess what? I delivered and then some!
Want to see the rest of the Photos from the shoot? Head on over to ashtonzala.com/harmoney-blues!
#portrait #photography #blackwoman #fujifilm #xh2 #blackmastodon #blackfediverse #blackphotographer #poc
#portrait #photography #blackwoman #fujifilm #xh2 #blackmastodon #blackfediverse #blackphotographer #poc
SecurityOnline: Researcher Details Windows CNG Key Isolation Bug(CVE-2023-28229) and PoC Exploit https://securityonline.info/researcher-details-windows-cng-key-isolation-bugcve-2023-28229-and-poc-exploit/ #CVE-2023-28229PoC #CVE-2023-28229 #Vulnerability #PoC
L’exploit per il bug critico di VMware Aria Operations for Networks è online
Il codice #exploit proof-of-concept (#PoC) relativo ad una #vulnerabilità di #bypass dell’#autenticazione #SSH sul prodotto Aria Operations for #Networks di #VMware (precedentemente noto come vRealize Network Insight) è stato rilasciato online.
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#exploit #poc #vulnerabilità #bypass #autenticazione #ssh #networks #vmware #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
on an unrelated note
Do you remember the guy from the #collegehumor series "If google was a guy" [1] who had a staccato style of asking rather strange questions [2]? In his memory #blacktwitterapp only for #BIPOC|#POC?
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxqca4RQd_M
[2] https://youtu.be/Cxqca4RQd_M?t=9
#collegehumor #blacktwitterapp #bipoc #poc
So I have fallen into the rabbit hole that is #blackmastodon and while there are cool people to follow, backtracking their social graph is riddled with accounts no longer active or deleted. It saddens me that #mastodon seemingly fails at being a welcoming and engaging platform for #BIPOC / #POC
#blackmastodon #mastodon #bipoc #poc #youarewantedhere
I’m not sure people realize how fundamentally predatory artist contracts in the #musicindustry have been & remain (#DeLaSoul & Tommy Boy, #TLC, etc), particularly for #women & #POC.
The Netflix documentary Ladies First: a story of women & hip-hop does a good job of laying it out.
SO I have to say congrats to #ArianaGrande & #DemiLovato who just dropped their predatory mgr https://bit.ly/3E8kOPo
#BlackMastodon #demilovato #arianagrande #poc #women #tlc #delasoul #musicindustry
People of Color in #Großbritannien nach dem #Brexit
"Es herrscht ein ziemlich beängstigendes Klima: Wenn man einfach nur über Fakten zu rassistischen Ungerechtigkeiten berichtet und über sie diskutieren will, wird man in Großbritannien persönlich verfolgt. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das mal erleben würde."
#Rassismus #Neorechts #Blaming #PoC #Hate #Rechtsextremismus #Konservatismus #UK #EU #Rechtspopulismus
#rechtspopulismus #EU #UK #konservatismus #rechtsextremismus #hate #poc #blaming #neorechts #rassismus #Brexit #großbritannien
Do not try fucking #whitesplaining with me.
Have you seen my face?
Does it look like I could ever pass as anything close to white?
Yeah..no. I cannot look white AND don't want to!
I don't want or need white ppl giving me unwanted advice when they have ZERO racial lived experiences.
Sit the fuck down. Learn by listening. Not every conversation needs your opinion. Especially, when it's #POC experiences that you don't have & never will as someone who can't look close to white.
Shut the fuck up.
I identify as a loud mouthed squinty eyed #Teochew bitch with a lot to say about injustice. I also post a lot about my plants/garden, rewilding & conservation works, visual arts(my own & others), frequently share music, randomly share life experiences & am highly confrontational with bigots/racists - before I block their asshats. I'm a longtime #POC activist & don't tolerate sealioning or mansplaining or greenwashing douchenozzles.
I have MASS HATE ONS for #RCMP & #BCNDP #NewDeathParty 👊
#teochew #poc #rcmp #bcndp #newdeathparty
With my nonbinary Korean fellow activist friend, from Vancouver, at VGH. We met over 2 yrs ago on remote frontlines & were one of very few Asian activists with boots on the ground at protest camps in BC. They're an amazing human being. We worked on deescalation training, accessibility solutions & nonviolent defense tactics together.
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #Korean #POC #Asians #POCactivists #environmentalists #AsianActivists #Unity #friends #StrongerTogether
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #korean #poc #asians #pocactivists #environmentalists #asianactivists #unity #friends #strongertogether
~~~ Crémant. Cava. Booty Bounce~~~
Am gestrigen Freitag ging es für uns zu einem Sanitätsdienst nach Frankfurt am Main. Dort sicherten wir ein Hip-Hop-Event der besonderen Art ab. Mehr erfahrt ihr auf unserer Webseite:
#HipHop #Cremant #Cava #bootybounce #POC #BIPOC #queer #trans #awareness #Rap #Party #Konzert #FFM #partyagainstthepariarchy #ffmevents #frankfurtopenair #flinta #saferspaces #Demosanis #Demosanitäterin #SanitätsgruppeSüdWest #Frankfurt #Sanitätsdienst
#Hiphop #cremant #cava #bootybounce #poc #bipoc #queer #trans #awareness #rap #party #konzert #Ffm #partyagainstthepariarchy #ffmevents #frankfurtopenair #FLINTA #saferspaces #demosanis #demosanitaterin #sanitatsgruppesudwest #frankfurt #sanitatsdienst
@ar_collins @dpnash @MrRidleyKemp @isomeme Right wingers give fake ass honour roles/titles to biggest/loudest/best recruiter too. I want ppl to know this is why right wingers LOVE to select & exploit sellout POCs. I want ppl to know #POC #sellouts are exploited for WS & right wing #political shittery. I want more POC ppl to recognize that fact & how it's used against fights for justice.
SecurityOnline: Researcher Releases PoC for Critical RCE Ghostscript (CVE-2023-36664) Vulnerability https://securityonline.info/researcher-releases-poc-for-critical-rce-ghostscript-cve-2023-36664-vulnerability/ #CVE-2023-36664PoC #CVE-2023-36664 #Vulnerability #PoC