The young native girl meets the bad ass alien killer
#nooneasked #pocahontas #ripley #aliens
#nooneasked #pocahontas #ripley #aliens
Pocahontas – Jochen Tetzlaff
#comic #comics #western #patrickprugne #pocahontas
#EAS for Humboldt, #IA; #Pocahontas, #IA: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 11:45 PM CDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Des Moines IA** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS for Humboldt, #IA; #Pocahontas, #IA: #Tornado Warning issued June 24 at 11:02PM CDT until June 24 at 11:45PM CDT by NWS Des Moines IA Source: NWS Des Moines IA** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#JamesCameron se vrátil po 13-ti letech.
Už #avatar jednička, krom vizuálu, nebyla nic moc. Vlastně to byla jen obšlehnutá #pocahontas ve #SciFi kabátě. Na #disney+ vyšla dvojka a tak mi moje žena řekla, že si ji v pátek večer pustíme. No, nebyl jsem zrovna nadšen, ale co bych pro svou ženu neudělal.
3h 15min čistého digitálního pekla.
Když si uvědomím, že stejný režisér má na svědomí, mimo jiné, kultovní snímky jako #Aliens nebo #Terminator a #terminator2, tak je mi do breku.
#jamescameron #avatar #pocahontas #SciFi #disney #aliens #terminator #terminator2
Freedom is Pagan. The goddess "Freedom" stands on top of the U.S. Capital. The Enlightenment which developed the modern cultural foundation of freedom was inspired by classical Paganism of Greece and Rome and by Native American governance in the new world. No kings or lords there. Its sculptor, Thomas Crawford (1813-1857), patterned the statue after the Greek goddess #Athena (Roman Minerva) and native American #Pocahontas.
In a May 11, 1855 letter detailing the commissioning instructions, even Christian biased Capital Engineer, Captain Montgomery Meigs wrote this:
“We have too many Washington’s: we have America on the pediment. Victories and Liberties are rather pagan emblems, but a Liberty I fear is the best we can get."
#Freedom #Pagan #Art #Capital #history #Enlightenment #goddess
#athena #pocahontas #freedom #Pagan #art #capital #history #enlightenment #goddess
The Heartbreaking True Story of #Pocahontas (Video)
In the new year I aim to sing more Colours of the Wind at all the #gay #karaoke events while locking my eyes with every light skin fella in the audience.
#gay #karaoke #pocahontas #disney #soundtrack #queer
Hollywood star Edward #Norton (53, "Fight Club," "Glass Onion") is said to be related to #Pocahontas. This finding was presented to Norton during an edition of "Finding Your Roots." For the TV show, a team of experts does #genealogical research on celebrities. "There is a well-documented direct link," said host Henry Louis Gates Jr. It leads to the 1614 wedding certificate between John #Rolfe and Pocahontas.
#norton #pocahontas #Genealogical #rolfe
Hollywoodstar Edward #Norton (53, "Fight Club", "Glass Onion") soll mit #Pocahontas verwandt sein. Diese Erkenntnis wurde Norton im Rahmen einer Ausgabe von "Finding Your Roots" präsentiert. Für die TV-Sendung betreibt ein Team von Experten #Ahnenforschung bei Prominenten. "Es gibt eine gut dokumentierte direkte Verbindung", so Moderator Henry Louis Gates jr. Sie führe zur Hochzeitsurkunde zwischen John #Rolfe und Pocahontas aus dem Jahre 1614.
#norton #pocahontas #ahnenforschung #rolfe
#EdwardNorton è stato certificato come discendente diretto di #Pocahontas. Va detto che abbiamo letto cose più strane credute per vere, e quindi non ci suscita sorpresa
Pocahontas!? Are you related to anyone unique?
#dailynews #edwardnorton #hollywoodnews #pocahontas #familytree #famouspeople #latestnews #newsies #newsupdate #katchup #katchupdaily
PBS’ Finding Your Roots recently had actor Edward Norton on to trace his family lineage back to prove that he INDEED is related to Pocahontas. The historical figure is his 12th great-grandmother. No way!?
#dailynews #edwardnorton #hollywoodnews #pocahontas #familytree #FamousPeople #latestnews #newsies #NewsUpdate #katchup #katchupdaily
Just saw the new #avatar, if the old one was basically a #pocahontas remake, this one was essentially a #starwars remake, except on the sea. Worth 'seaing'
#avatar #pocahontas #starwars #seawars #wayofwater
Der Reiz von »#Avatar« bestand darin, das Eintauchen in eine 3D-Natursimulation mit einem grundlegenden literarischen Mythos zu koppeln: #Pocahontas, die Verführung der »schönen, edlen Wilden«, die #Erotik der #Kolonialisierung.
#avatar #pocahontas #erotik #kolonialisierung #jwfeuilleton
Referenced link:
Originally posted by junge Welt /
Der Reiz von »#Avatar« bestand darin, das Eintauchen in eine 3D-Natursimulation mit einem grundlegenden literarischen Mythos zu koppeln: #Pocahontas, die Verführung der »schönen, edlen Wilden«, die #Erotik der #Kolonialisierung.
#Avatar #pocahontas #erotik #kolonialisierung #jWFeuilleton
"It is time to bust up the misconceptions perpetuated over 400 years regarding the young daughter of Powhatan chief Wahunsenaca. The truth—gathered from years of extensive research of the historical record, books, and oral histories from self-identified descendants of Pocahontas and tribal peoples of Virginia —is not for the faint of heart."
Screw you Disney.
#history #Matoaka #Pocahontas #colonialism #lies #shewas10 #disneylied #rape #wasachild #marriedat14 #pregnantat14
#lies #marriedat14 #pregnantat14 #history #matoaka #pocahontas #colonialism #shewas10 #disneylied #rape #wasachild
Estoy deseando conocer el nuevo mantra de los haters de #AvatarTheWayOfWater.
Me apuesto el huevo izquierdo a que, si de la primera dijeron que era “#Pocahontas en el espacio” o “Bailando con pitufos”, de esta dirán que es “#Waterworld con extraterrestres“.
Tiempo al tiempo.
#avatarthewayofwater #pocahontas #waterworld
Es posible que estés pensando en regalar una #LecturaDiferente a alguien. ¿Qué te parece de acción y aventura?
Estoy hablando de #SpiderRock cuyo autor se hacer llamar #JoeRider (seudónimo)
Si recuerdas a #Pocahontas, nada será igual, después de #leer este #libro.
SPIDER ROCK - #Reseñas
#RegalosNavideñosLector #LecturasMastodonticas #HistoriasConK #Books #España #Diversidad #Accion #Aventura #Terror
#lecturadiferente #spiderrock #joerider #pocahontas #leer #libro #resenas #regalosnavidenoslector #lecturasmastodonticas #historiasconk #books #espana #diversidad #accion #aventura #terror