Here's a quick :)

You can call me Sine! I'm black, nonbinary, and I really, really love fruit smoothies. I use they/them pronouns exclusively! I've been in school for the past four years for a variety of things [mostly of the tech and writing variety], but I'm now taking some time off to work because school is expensive!!! Currently, I do repairs for electric vehicles for a living, and I love it a lot. Once I get back in with school, I'll be graduating with a degree in robotics.

Online, my interests are writing, reading, roleplaying, electronic music, playing FFXIV, 3D modelling, and creating HTML/CSS/Javascript codes for my friends and I to use on Dreamwidth. I'm hoping to get published in a science-fiction literary magazine this year if I stop myself from slacking... here's to hoping! <3

tags: [dubiously tagging this one bc I have some apprehensions]

#introduction #qtpoc #pocinstem #technology #cybersecurity #privacy #veganism #electronic #sff #writing #lgbt #queer #techwear #journalism #environmentalism #cyberpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

B.J. Smith v6.2.2 · @bjsmith
66 followers · 411 posts · Server