#PocketCasts seems like a decent alternative but the desktop access only available in the plus subscription. That's not really going to work for me since I do a lot of additions an management of playlists in the morning when I'm browsing on my tablet.
#Stitcher #stitcherReplacement
#pocketcasts #stitcher #stitcherreplacement
After using the awesome #AntennaPod for many years on Android and #PocketCasts on #iOS for the past 18 months, I tried the #Overcast app today and was thoroughly disappointed. Adding podcasts by exporting from Pocket Casts appeared to do something but only added the public podcasts. Adding anything else after that did not work at all. After clearing the sync profile, clearing its iCloud data, reinstalling the app, I was able to add some podcasts by URL before even that stopped working.
#antennapod #pocketcasts #ios #overcast
Because #PocketCasts decided to get greedy and price gouge their service from $10/yr to $40/yr, does anyone have any #android #podcast player suggestions that aren't ridiculously overpriced?
#pocketcasts #android #podcast #pocketcastsapp
Dankzij een tip van @heesdaman heb ik de nieuwe #podcast van Jeroen van Inkel eindelijk kunnen vinden in #PocketCasts.
Voor de liefhebbers!
@camiel Ik zou hem ook graag in #PocketCasts luisteren, maar daar kon ik hem ook nog niet vinden.
#pocketcasts ya tiene app para #wearos
Solo si eres premium. Es la gota que colma mi vaso. Desinstalada.
Centralizo todo en spotify y ivoox para algunos exclusivos.
I held on to #Apple’s #Podcasts #app for a long time, partly for the #integration with other devices in the #WalledGarden. But eventually it just was too buggy, and I thank you! I eventually found my way to #PocketCasts, and I’ve been overjoyed with it.
I noticed my list was getting long so I just started using its #folders function. How wonderful! Thank you for a wonderful app! I highly #recommend it.
#apple #Podcasts #app #integration #walledgarden #pocketcasts #folders #recommend #ios
Coucou mes petits geckos ! J'espère que le thread sera bien créé. On continue la #curation #podcast :
Toujours dans l'#actu #tech mais aussi dans ses usages que ce soit au travail ou à la maison, nous allons chez https://www.blueprint.pm/podcasts/ et plus précisément côté #TechTwo présenté par @Foxmonsieur et @yannrdr
Retrouvez le podcast facilement sur leur site ou dans votre application préférée (#overcast chez la pomme et #pocketcasts chez android par exemple !)
#curation #podcast #actu #tech #techtwo #overcast #pocketcasts
I subscribe to #coolerzonemedia on Apple Podcasts. I do it because I enjoy their shows and I want them to get my money, and ad free shows is ok.
But Apple Podcasts is a dog shit application. Even the playlist design is just shit. Very confusing. Pocket Casts is 1000x better and it isn’t only because I’ve used it for 10 years or whatever.
#coolerzonemedia #podcast #pocketcasts
@brianhartgen Would you consider writing #jaws scripts for #PocketCasts for #Windows?
It's currently usable, but some parts of it can be tricky to use with a #screen-reader & I've contacted them about this but they don't seem to understand.
Can you please assist?
#jaws #pocketcasts #windows #screen
Ich unterstütze gerne Software, aber eine Vervierfachung des Abo-Preises kommt dann doch etwas überraschend.
I love #PocketCasts, but they have a low-key passive-aggressive streak for podcasters who skip a day of the schedule.
#podcatchers #podcasting #podcasts #pocketcasts
Allez mes petits geckos, je commence ma #curation #podcast pour les personnes que ça intéresse :
Vous aimez la #tech le #jeuvidéo et des recos #musicales ? Rendez-vous chez @Geekzone ! Tous les vendredi matin, l'actu #geek sous toutes ses formes !
Aux commandes, retrouvez @Cafeine et @Faskil pour passer un excellent moment ! C'est par là : https://www.geekzone.fr/podcasts/ et dans vos applis préférées (chez moi #PocketCasts tant que je ne suis pas repassé chez la pomme) :blobheart:
#curation #podcast #torrefaction #tech #jeuvideo #musicales #geek #pocketcasts
Now it's time to listen to episodes of podcasts, episodes I haven't listened to yet, I'm using #PocketCasts as my favourite podcatcher, it's the best for me, almost perfect.
Najwyższy czas nadrobić podcastowe zaległości, kilka epizodów nie odsłuchanych na mojej liście, do słuchania podcastów używam aplikacji #PocketCasts, próbowałam chyba wszystkiego, ale zawsze wracam do swojej ulubionej aplikacji. Pocket Casts jest dla mnie prawie ideałem. 🎧📱
@lelanicarver @Catwoman69y2k Some great Podcast apps for replacing Stitcher are: #Pocketcasts #Snipd and #Castamatic
#castamatic #Snipd #pocketcasts
@voxpelli Not in EU, but glad that someone has some recourse.
I'm using #PocketCasts (which is really nice, actually. $15/yr isn't horrible) I'd love a self-hosted alternative with similar features (cross-platform, import/export OPML, #AndroidAuto compatible)
A few months ago I switched to #PocketCasts for all my podcast needs. Couldn’t be happier with the app, but there’s one thing: Podcasts have to be purple¹ & so does my podcast client’s app icon. And while there’s a great variety of app icon designs within Pocket Casts already², there’s no Apple-Podcast-like, purple one.
Until now! Here’s my purple app icon for Pocket Casts. → https://eay.cc/uploads/2023/pocket-casts-purple-app-icon.png
¹ Thank you, Apple.
² For example, I really like the colorful one for the current Pride month.